While I was wondering around the Snustopian National indoor Gardens this week, the smell of the flowers and Apple Blossoms reminded me of the flavor of Gotlands Fläder and all the confusion there was with the name. That’s when I decided that a proper review needed to be done so other Snustopians wouldn’t have to go thru what I did.
You may be wondering why I named this review “a simple review of a complex snus”. It wasn’t because Gotlandssnus Fläder/Grönsnus/Green/ its self was complex to use or the can was complex to open. It was because of the name and the flavor! Before I created Snustopia, I would always get confused on the names of certain snus because they were in Swedish and sometimes the translations were a bit off. This was the case

You see, the official name of this snus is Gotlandssnus Fläder/Grönsnus/Green according to Gotlandssnus. Fläder translates from Swedish to English into Elderflower. Some snus shops call it Gotlandssnus Grönsnus which translates to Green snuff. When I was searching for information on Gotlandssnus Green, as it’s commonly called in American forums, either Fläder or Grönsnus would come up. Then I found out why it’s called Gotlands Green!

Gotlandssnus Fläder/Grönsnus/Green/ portion snus is another snus made by the folks at Gotlandssnus AB, the same company that makes the original Julesnus. Gotlands Green comes in a plastic can with a plastic, snap on lid which seals the can tightly so you don’t have to worry about the lid accidently slipping off! The lid does not have a used portion compartment but is engraved with the Gotlands Sheep and the year of inception, in Roman numerals. Each can comes with 24, 1 gram portions and 9 mg of Nicotine in each portion.
The portion material is pretty soft and sits comfortably under the lip. I’ve had a portion in for an average of 2 hours with the longest time being 3 ½ hours with no discomfort what so ever. Be aware, Snustopians, that there is salt in Gotlands Green and the inside of your lip will get a little wrinkly if you keep a portion in for over 2 hours! Not to worry though, no pain associated with it but I felt it should be said.

When you get your can of Gotlands Green, you’ll notice the label doesn’t cover the edge of the lid like most Swedish Snus labels do. Not to worry, this was done by design so; don’t think that the can was tampered with like I did at first!
Gotlandssnus describes Green as a snus that tastes of lush green plants and Elderflowers. I know what you’re saying, “Sounds like it tastes like grass and a flower garden Snus Guy! Is that true?” Not at all, but the flavor is pretty interesting!
When you open the can of Gotlands Green, you immediately get the scent of an herbal tea with a bit of apple and, unbelievably, a subtle banana scent! Overall, the scent is not overpowering but rather pleasant. Since I haven’t tasted Elderflowers (yes, they are an edible flower), I have no base to go off of but, there is a definite sweet, flowery taste to Gotlands Green!
The dominate flavors of Gotlands Green are a sweet, flowery, herbal flavor with a slight apple taste! I know, I know, there is no description stating that Apple was intended to be a flavor, but it is there. It’s the subtle apple flavor that really makes Gotlands Green unique. The sweetness in Gotlands Green is not a sugary sweet; it’s a natural sweetness like a piece of fruit would have. The other flavors are tobacco and salt. The saltiness adds another layer to the flavor the longer it’s in and helps the tobacco taste shine thru!
“So how long does the flavor last Snus Guy?” As I said earlier, I’ve had a portion in for over 2 hours with 3 ½ hours being the max. I did this for a comfort test but, the flavor doesn’t last that long. I’ve had a portion of Gotlands Green flavor last about 1 ½ hours before it becomes bitter. This is a trait with Gotlands’ snus in general. Between 1 ½ and 2 hours, they do go bitter but, as I said in our review of Julesnus, in Sweden, folks only keep portions in for between 15 minutes and 45 minutes so, that’s what most snus flavor was designed for. If you get flavor after 45 minutes, it’s a bonus! I recommend a 1 ½ hour max.

Coffee had the same effect as the Diet Coke did but tea, hot or iced, really did well! Herbal tea was the best of the hot teas. The slight flowery taste of the Herbal tea enhanced the herbal notes in the snus and the tea flavor really brought out the apple and tobacco. Orange Pekoe or Green tea won the iced. Earl Grey was a bit too powerful of a flavor. It tended to drown out the herbal and Apple flavors.
My overall recommendation for Gotlandssnus Fläder/Green) portion snus is this. Snustopians looking for a Swedish snus that has an apple flavor that’s not too overpowering should really add this to their next order. Seasoned Snustopians that are looking for a snus with a bit more complexity or a change from the norm should give Gotlands Green a try. New Snustopians definitely should add this to their first order! It’s a great snus to use as a starter snus due to the pleasant smell and great taste.
You can get Gotlandssnus Fläder/Grönsnus/Green portion snus at The Northerner for $3.55 USD a can and, if this is your first order, you can get 10% off your first order when you click on the banner to the right of this page!
Well Snustopians, I hope you found our trip thru Gotlandssnus Fläder/Grönsnus/Green portion snus helpful and informative. As always, I look forward to your comments and questions and will answer them as soon as I can!
As always, until our next review,
Happy Snussing!
That Snus Guy
Excellent review as always, Snus Guy! I have yet to try a Gotlandssnus I haven't liked!
Agreed, and I'll have to start ordering from Snuscentral to support you guys!
Hey Larry and Aaron!!!!
Thanks for the kind words. :>) If you guys have any requests for reviews, post 'em and I'll review 'em!
That Snus Guy
You ought to review Knox. Kind of like a budget skruf, very similar but stronger flavors without so much niccotine. Priced about 1.50$ less a can than scruf... Oh, and if you can get your hands on the Montecristo...well that's what convinced me to quit smoking.
Hi Anonymous!
I was thinking the same thing! The economy issues have even hit here in Snustopia and thought maybe some value snus reviews were in order. I'm working on a Kronan review now but will definatly post a Knox lös and portion review in March!
I'll do my best to have the Snustopian Royal Guard try to smuggle some Montecristo in as well but, I can't make any promises. ;>)
Thanks again for the suggestions and, keep 'em coming!
As always,
Happy Snussing!
That Snus Guy
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