Today I thought we’d review a brand new snus to Snustopia, Catch Chill Collection, Mint Vanilla mini portion. I must admit though, I was a little leery about this snus because it is the first mini portion snus I’ve ever tried but then I thought “Snustopia is a place where we review snus together” so, I made the decision and we’ll review this new snus, together!
The unique thing about the Catch Chill Collection of mini snus is that it is one in a total collection of four to be released in 2009! I know what your thinking, "Snus Guy! What
do you mean by a Collection?" Good question! Catch plans to release four different flavors of this snus thruout the year. As another is released, the prior will dissapear, making each flavor a Limited Edition within the collection!

For example, Mint Vanilla is the first flavor in the collection. The next will be Peppermint. Once Peppermint is released, Mint Vanilla will no longer be available and so on. I know it's a pretty short answer but, I hope it answers the Collection question a bit. We'll be trying each flavor as it's released so, as I get more information about the entire collection, you'll have a clearer idea. Just remeber this, Mint Vanilla will be available for a limited time and you'll be fine!
Before we begin the actual review, let’s review what a mini portion is. Mini portions are just what the name implies, a mini version of a regular sized portion. Mini portions tend to be about half the physical size of a regular portion. This also means there is less tobacco and nicotine in the portion as well. Mini portions tend to have between .3 grams and .5 grams of snus in each portion and, on average, 20 portions per can. The Nicotine levels vary between 3 mg and 6 mg per portion. There are even some that are classified as White Mini portions.
Since mini portion snus is smaller, they are also more discreet. They don’t leave the tell tale lump under the lip like larger portions do so they’re great for work or for Snustopians that want to conceal their love of snus! You can also smile without worrying if portion material is showing. Now that everybody has a basic idea of what a mini portion is, let’s go on to the review!
Catch Chill Mint Vanilla mini portion snus is, in fact, a “White” mini portion snus. “Hey Snus Guy, good thing you explained this in the beginning. It sounds confusing!” I know! When I first saw Mint Vanilla and the way it was described I got confused as well. So I figured I’d better simplify it so no one gets confused like I did!
First, let’s take a look at the portion. Catch Chill has 20, .5 gram, portions per can. Each portion has 4 mg of Nicotine and the portions are of the White type. White type, as you remember from the first posts, meaning it hasn’t gone thru the additional wetting process.
The portion material is pretty soft for a White portion and really easy on the gums. Since this snus has 50% moisture content, the flavor begins to flow pretty quickly and the portion actually stays put. Like I said, the portion material is pretty soft and comfortable. I’ve had a portion in for up to an hour with no irritation to speak of.
That takes us to flavor! Catch Chill Mint Vanilla is marketed as “A fresh Mint breeze and Vanilla dreams.” Catch Chill definitely has a Vanilla/Mint taste but, I compare it to a Mint M&M or a Mint flavored chocolate candy that’s commonly found on pillows in fancy hotels! Andes Mints I think they’re called. There is also a subtle hint of tobacco flavor but, it plays in the background and is just barely noticeable.
The flavor lasts quite a long time for a mini as well! I’ve had a portion in for about an hour before the flavor begins to die out. After that, the portion can become a bit weird tasting so, I recommend a 45 minute maximum time limit.

Now, what to drink? With Diet Coke, you get a bit of Vanilla Coke flavor but, the Diet Coke tends to be a bit overpowering. Iced tea is pretty good but, coffee is the best! A portion of Catch Chill Mint Vanilla with your morning coffee and, you don’t need the flavored creamer! Hot tea would be good but I really recommend coffee.
Overall, Catch Chill Mint Vanilla mini portion snus is a great tasting snus. Like I said before, more female Snustopians will like Catch Chill than male Snustopians. My recommendation for Catch Chill is this. Snustopians that are looking for a replacement for Vertigo or ones that would like a refreshing new taste with a lower Nicotine content should definitely get a few cans. Snustopians that are into new flavors but are used to Nicotine contents above 8mg, may want to try a can as well.
If you’re a Snustopian that likes the Sterks, this snus may not be for you but, feel free to give it a try! Cans run around $3.75 and, if this is your first order, you can save 10% at by clicking on the 10% banner to the right of this post!
Well Snustopians, I hope you found our trip thru Catch Chill Mint Vanilla mini portion informative. As always, I welcome your questions and comments and will try to answer them as soon as I can!
Happy Snussing,
That Snus Guy
Another great review!
I was on the fence with these, deleting them from my cart before placing my last order, but based on what you said I'll definitely try a can, sounds like flavors I'd like, I was just hesitant about the mini aspect.
Hey Aaron!
Glad you enjoyed the review. Sorry for the delay in replying, been a bit busy! Please post back a comment on what you think of the Catch!
I tried these new mint vanilla minis from catch and I love them. I had one in for 6 hours and the flavor fades, but is still there. Just lick it with your tongue when you want that minty vanilla flavor. :)
Hey Anonymous!
During my research on Catch Chill, I did have one in for 2 hours but not 6! That's awesome! :)
Just remember, the Nicotine is pretty much gone after 30 to 45 minutes but, the flavor does last quite a long time. Thanks for the comment!
Happy Snussing!
That Snus Guy
Hi Slartie!
Like I said, tastes can vary and I'm glad you posted that comment. :)
Where I got the vanilla and mint mixed about the same, you found it subtle. Did you happen to taste the hint of chocolate though?
Thanks again slartie!
That Snus Guy
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