Today I thought we would do something a little different. Rather than do a review on a particular snus, I thought we would go over some of the things you can use to enhance your enjoyment of snus. Some of them are essential to that enjoyment and some are just plain cool to have! So, with that information in hand, let’s begin our lesson in Snus Accessories.
You may be asking why I would do a review on snus accessories. One of the reasons is the amount of questions I’ve been getting about the differences between the Prismaster and the Icetool! While I was doing research on these two portioning tools, I came across a few other accessories that looked really cool! I figured that if I’m going to do a review on tools, let’s do a review on all the things available!
Let’s start with the portioning tools. There are basically two types of portioning tools, the Prismaster and the Icetool. Although they do the same basic thing, portion out lös (loose) snus, there are a lot of differences between them. One thing is the look!

It’s also a great tool for beginners to decide if you like the lössnus variety. Since its cost is under $2, you really haven’t lost anything if you decide that loose snus is not for you! I recommend the Prismaster for new Snustopians that want to try lössnus. You really can’t go wrong with the price! If you do decide that loose snus is for you, you’ll find that there are drawbacks to the Prismaster.

The Icetool is a portion tool that is more flexible than the Prismaster in the fact that you can control the size of the pris. To the right is a picture of an Icetool. As you can see, it’s much different than the Prismaster in a couple of ways.

The first difference is that the Icetool is made of metal instead of plastic which means that the Icetool will last virtually a lifetime! The Icetool is made in either Aluminum or Stainless Steel and comes in 5 ml or 3 ml sizes. The Aluminum Icetools come in an array of different colors while the Stainless Steel ones come in a high buffed finish or black. “What? Snus Guy, what do you mean 5 ml and 3 ml! We don’t get it!” In the beginning, I didn’t either but what I found out is that 3 ml and 5 ml basically tell you the diameter of the Icetool’s barrel.
Take a look at the picture again. The Icetool looks like a syringe without the needle, right? In actuality, the diameter of the barrels is an exact replica of one, only in metal. The 3 ml Icetool will yield a thinner diameter pris while the 5 ml will give you a wider one. The other difference between the Icetool and the Prismaster is the fact that you can control the length of the pris.
Unlike the Prismaster, the Icetool has an adjustable plunger that will let you choose how long you want the pris! Only have time for a small pris? Move the plunger to the first notch and load the Icetool the same way you load a

The only drawback to the Icetool is the price. Prices range from around $42 USD for the 3 ml, in either metal, $ 47 for the Aluminum 5 ml and $ 51 for the Stainless Steel 5 ml. I personally prefer the 3 ml over the 5 ml but, if you like a fatter pris, go with the 5 ml. I recommend that all Snustopians, that have lössnus in their regular rotation, should have an Icetool. They are easy to use, last a lifetime and are pretty cool as well!

Two companies make snus boxes and, depending on which snus shop you buy them from, are made by either Icetool, the same company that makes the portion tools we just reviewed, or, which are pictured to the left. I purchased my snus boxes from for one reason. They offer free Diamond engraving on the bottom of the can so; to see what the quality of the engraving would be, I had one engraved with my name. The quality of the engraving is excellent and matched the font on the top. The top of the boxes have the logo Diamond engraved on them as well.

Other online stores (like The Northerner) carry the Icetool brand of snus boxes. These are pretty much identical to the Slimcase brand of snus boxes with both being made of Stainless Steel and both portion boxes have the hinged lid. They don’t, however, offer the free engraving. The thing that makes the Icetool boxes special is that their boxes are Laser engraved with the unique Icetool logo on the lids!
Prices for the snus boxes range quite a bit! The ones at The Northerner are are Icetool boxes and are priced at $36 USD for the loose snus version and $40 USD for the portion version.
I know your saying “Snus Guy! Why would we pay that for a box when the snus comes is a pretty sturdy can already?” Good question! A good reason for getting the loose box is that most lössnus comes in a cardboard can with a plastic lid. If you’re a Snustopian that uses loose snus while you’re out and about, the snus box will keep the can from getting destroyed in your pocket!
While the snus boxes don’t really do anything to enhance the actual snus, they do add a certain kind of elegance when you use them! I keep my boxes in the fridge at night and, keep them on my desk throughout the day. When I take out a portion or, offer one to tourists visiting Snustopia, it becomes a conversation piece, giving me another opportunity to talk about the land I love, Snustopia!
My recommendation for the snus boxes is this; if you enjoy snus enough to tell everyone at the pub or the office, these snus boxes will create that opportunity. Even though they are a bit pricy, they would be a great thing to suggest to people if you’re the kind of person that’s hard to buy for!
Well Snustopians, I hope you found this lesson in snus accessories helpful and informative. I also hope I cleared up some of the mysteries regarding the Prismaster and the Icetools as well! As always, I welcome your questions and comments and look forward to answering them!
Until our next review,
Happy Snussing!
That Snus Guy
FYI,Icetool now also has a 4ml variety.
Thanks Mick!
The cost for the 4 ml is the same as the 3 ml and comes in Aluminum.
I was considering buying a 4ml, but since as of today I am unemployed, it will have to stay on my wish list for while.
Life goes on.
I shared this blog with my local tobacco shop (the only one that sells Snus in my area) since I heard them turn interested Snus customers off to the loose variety stating it was too messy. They had no idea these tools existed and are now looking into getting some for the shop. Thanks!
I will stick to portions.
Hi SnusGal!
I agree with loose being messy without the aid of a tool. :)
I've mentioned getting tools to my tobacconist as well. Let me know if your guy gets them in!
Happy Snussing!
That Snus Guy
I just tried loose snus for the first time today using a Prismaster.
The first time I tried it got messy immediately and I took it out. I immediately tried again and this time I got it in, but the loose snus is going all over my mouth. I tried to press it up with my finger and that made it worse.
I tried to spit the stuff that escaped the pris out, and that brought even more out.
What tips do you have?
Is it perhaps better to form the pris with the tool and then to place it in the mouth with my fingers?
Also, do you know about the amount of tobacco that gets into a pris from a Prismaster versus the amount in a regular portion snus? I.e., does the Prismaster give you more than a gram?
Perhaps I could make a smaller pris and that would be better. Any tips are appreciated as I will check back.
Hi Anonymous!
Sorry for the delay in answering! Last week was more information filled than I expected.
To answer your first question about the Prismaster, you want to make sure that you press the tool in the can a couple of times past what you think is enough. This will compact the snus more and make the pris a little more manageable.
Unfortunalely, the Prismaster has a few flaws in design. It only makes one sized pris and does not allow you to control compression too well.
As for placement, let the tool put it in. The more you play with it, the more of a chance you'll have with it falling apart. Once it's in, try not to let your tongue hit it. I know it can be hard but it's crucial.
The only tips I can give you are to pratice with the tool. Icetools are much easier to use because you can control the pris more but, due to their price, I don't recommend getting one until you're sure your going to like loose.
Phantom original and Kronan loose are relatively inexpensive and taste pretty good. I recommend them to use as a pratice snus. I use them to hone my hand baking skills! :)
Sorry for the long answer but practice is the key. I had the same issues you do when I started and I found that practice was the best way.
Hope this helps and please post back if you have any other questions!
Happy Snusing,
That Snus Guy.
Hi That Snus Guy!
I just seconds ago tried to use my new prismaster with RL los and had a similar fate as anonymous above. I did try to hold the action on the tool at about half volume to see if i could get a smaller pris out of it so that may have affected its density, causing my pris to quickly scatter into every corner of my mouth!
Would you expect that removing about .5 inch from the tool would work to make a smaller portion successfully?
I will have to continue to practice, and lucky for my my free mystery can from was grovsnus los, so i have more ammunition.
Also i purchased the portion Icetool snusbox from (thanks Larry) and it is amazing! I cant wait to go to a bar, just to set it on the counter and share of my experiences in snustopia! It is really top quality!
Thanks SnusGuy!
BTW, when talking about the Prismaster plastic tool, check to make sure the plastic plunger was placed in the tool correctly. Mine shipped with the plunger in backward. Take a look, the tool has a concave end, the plunger has a concave end also... make sure they match.
I used the Prismaster for the first time and was very succesful. It made a perfectly sized portion, with the right compression. Maybe its because i´ve been baking with hand for a long time, and got the tool right. Or maybe just follow what i did: measure the desired amount of volume of tobacco and position the slide accordingly, then trap that volume of tobacco in the tool, compress it by sliding the action towards the tobacco, and finally extract the tool and remove any excess of tobacco sticking to the exterior of the Prismaster. Put under lip and push the tobacco with the slide into your mouth. Man, it feels good. I used the flat side of the prismaster, which has the closed part of the slide. Now I get what the "master" part of the name stands for :-)
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