Greetings Snustopians!
Yes, it’s true! I’m leaving for Sweden, the “Land of snus”, on June 10th 2009! Why you ask? Well, as you all know, I’ve been scouting a spot for our next field trip ever since we ventured into Snuffland last year. I finally settled on Sweden for a couple of reasons. One, since I began reviewing snus back in October of 2008, I’ve always wanted to take the review process to the next level and actually see how Swedish snus was made. Not from You Tube videos but really be on a snus factory floor and physically experience the entire process from start to finish. I also wanted to see how the Swedish actually used snus and what the shops really look like. So, after a lot of negotiations, my good friend and colleague, Larry Waters from SnusCENTRAL.org, and myself will be touring the city of Gothenburg on the west coast of Sweden and visiting some of the snus manufacturers!
“Hey Snus Guy, are you taking ALL of us with you?” Well, in a way, yes! While I wish I could afford to take all of you there, I will however, be posting pictures and videos of the trip here on Snustopia for all of you to see! In the upper left column, I’ll be posting pictures each day and below that will be a video of the day’s activities! We’ve also set up a Twitter feed as both Larry and I will be tweeting live from the factory floors, reporting what we see and information about the people we meet! I know it’s not the same as being there but, it’s close!

This is a pretty historic event since it’s not very often that Americans get to see just what makes Swedish snus so special! Both Larry and I will do our best to represent SnusCENTRAL and Snustopia in the best possible light and we both encourage you all to become members of SnusCENTRAL.org (if you’re not already) for a more in depth accounting of our trip. Larry will be interviewing some very important people and the videos will only be available at SnusCENTRAL.org!
We also ask you to follow us on Twitter so you can tweet questions to us and we can get you answers! I think it will be pretty cool since I know both new Snustopians and seasoned ones have a lot of questions and what better way to get the answers than to get them from the experts, in real time!
I hope you’ll join us for this wonderful event and like I said, check back each day (or more) for updated pictures and answers to any questions you post in the comments section below! Also, be sure to become a member of SnusCENTRAL.org so you can see the exclusive interviews!
As always,
Happy Snusing!
That Snus Guy!
Yes, it’s true! I’m leaving for Sweden, the “Land of snus”, on June 10th 2009! Why you ask? Well, as you all know, I’ve been scouting a spot for our next field trip ever since we ventured into Snuffland last year. I finally settled on Sweden for a couple of reasons. One, since I began reviewing snus back in October of 2008, I’ve always wanted to take the review process to the next level and actually see how Swedish snus was made. Not from You Tube videos but really be on a snus factory floor and physically experience the entire process from start to finish. I also wanted to see how the Swedish actually used snus and what the shops really look like. So, after a lot of negotiations, my good friend and colleague, Larry Waters from SnusCENTRAL.org, and myself will be touring the city of Gothenburg on the west coast of Sweden and visiting some of the snus manufacturers!
“Hey Snus Guy, are you taking ALL of us with you?” Well, in a way, yes! While I wish I could afford to take all of you there, I will however, be posting pictures and videos of the trip here on Snustopia for all of you to see! In the upper left column, I’ll be posting pictures each day and below that will be a video of the day’s activities! We’ve also set up a Twitter feed as both Larry and I will be tweeting live from the factory floors, reporting what we see and information about the people we meet! I know it’s not the same as being there but, it’s close!

This is a pretty historic event since it’s not very often that Americans get to see just what makes Swedish snus so special! Both Larry and I will do our best to represent SnusCENTRAL and Snustopia in the best possible light and we both encourage you all to become members of SnusCENTRAL.org (if you’re not already) for a more in depth accounting of our trip. Larry will be interviewing some very important people and the videos will only be available at SnusCENTRAL.org!
We also ask you to follow us on Twitter so you can tweet questions to us and we can get you answers! I think it will be pretty cool since I know both new Snustopians and seasoned ones have a lot of questions and what better way to get the answers than to get them from the experts, in real time!
I hope you’ll join us for this wonderful event and like I said, check back each day (or more) for updated pictures and answers to any questions you post in the comments section below! Also, be sure to become a member of SnusCENTRAL.org so you can see the exclusive interviews!
As always,
Happy Snusing!
That Snus Guy!
Damn RJ. Good for you!
I bet I'm not the only one who's insanely jealous! I'm sure you'll post updates and pix though!
Hey Aaron!
Thanks and there will be pics up today, I promise. We've seen some pretty remarkable things here so far and alot to tell everyone.!!
Also, great to hear from you too! :)
From Sweden,
Rob a.k.a. That Snus Guy
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