Greetings Snustopians!
I know, I know, it's been quite a long time since we've been together and actually reviewed snus. The past year has been a pretty hectic one here in Snustopia and I must apologize for not being here to bring the new Snustopians reviews on all of the new snus flavors that are out there today. As I sit here, it's hard to believe that in only 2 short years we've seen such a huge influx of new flavors from so many different manufacturers! I can remember back to a time when Swedish Match only had 45 types of snus in their portfolio and ..."Hey Snus Guy, as much as we'd love to hear about your walk down memory lane, we want to hear about Göteborgs Rapè Lime!". Well, as you can see I'm still the same Snus Guy and I still ramble on so, without any further delay, sit back, pop in a portion and let's get started on our review of
Göteborgs Rapè White Lime portion snus!
I wanted to start off our new series of reviews with an intriguing, new addition to a well loved brand. You may be asking yourself "Why do you think Göteborgs Rapè White Lime is intriguing Snus Guy?" and I wouldn't be upset if you did. You see, The Göteborgs line of Swedish snus is what you might call a "Staple Snus" brand in Sweden. As we found out in our review of
Göteborgs Rapè White portion, this brand is one of the best selling brands in Sweden and one that most people really didn't want to see changed. With Göteborgs Rapè White Lime, it's not a change to any of the other flavors, it's actually an addition that seems to be well received. Now, let's take a look inside the can and see what makes this addition so well liked!

Göteborgs Rapè White Lime portion is a snus made by the folks at Swedish Match in Sweden. It is a white type portion snus which, as longtime Snustopians know, is a bit dryer due to the omission of the final wetting step in the manufacturing process. While it is a bit dryer than its Original type cousins, the same soft, tea bag type material that Swedish Match uses in all it's portion snus, is still pretty comfortable in the lip with little or no irritation even after 2 hours! Each can of Göteborgs Rapè White Lime has 24 portions that are arranged in the "Star" formation, that Swedish Match has adopted for most of its white portion snus varieties, with each portion containing approximately 8 mg. of Nicotine. My recommendation for keeping a portion in is about 1 1/2 hours for full flavor enjoyment but if it's the Nicotine hit you're aiming for, I recommend about an hour max. So, now that we've done away with how it's made, let's take a look at the can!
"Snus Guy, we're not going to hear you obsess about the can again, are we.". Well, since it's been a while since I've posted a review, I think possibly a refresher course on the cans may be in order so, bear with me for a minute or two. The can that Swedish Match has chosen is the same gold toned, plastic can that they use for all the Göteborgs portion snus and the label resembles the
Göteborgs Rapè White Lingon label with one small change. The red swish that is present in the Lingon label has been changed to green since this snus is Lime flavored. The can's lid fits nice and tight on the body, even after you break the seal which does well to prevent the portions from drying out while it's out of the chiller, if you keep your snus in one. Now, the refresher course! Most portion snus cans contain a second, smaller lid on the top of the can. Now, some new Snustopians and almost all of the snus curious have mistaken the compartment as the true lid and, well, if you use the catch compartment the way it was intended, as a place to put your used portions in until you can find a place to toss them, You can imagine what happens next and it can be pretty embarrassing so, as a reminder, the small lid, under the Göteborgs Rapè White Lime label on the top, is the cover for the used portions compartment! Ok, I'm done being Professor SnusGuy so, let's get into the flavor part of the review!

Swedish Match describes GR White Lime portion as a snus having "
the characteristics of Göteborgs Rapè with the addition of Lime and Mint.". While I do agree that GR White Lime does have some of the base Göteborgs Rapè flavors of quality tobaccos, salt and some herbal qualities, I also taste some of the Lime flavor but what seems to be missing is the Mint. "SnusGuy! Why would they say it has a mint flavor if it actually doesn't? What gives?" Now, now.....just because I don't taste it, doesn't mean that it's not there. As I've said in almost all our past reviews, this is just what I taste, it's up to you to form your own opinions but, let me explain what I taste and you might understand why I said I don't taste the mint. I was really excited to see that a snus manufacturer finally decided to break with tradition and replace the bergamot and lemon flavors with a lime flavor. If you look back in snus history, almost all snus uses a citrus flavoring be it Bergamot, Lemon or a combination of both. Citrus really compliments tobacco flavors and me being a big fan of limes over lemons or Bergamot, really made me curious about GR White Lime. Limes tend to be a bit sweeter than Lemons or Bergamot and in this snus, you can taste the slight sweetness that lime gives the snus. Mint, when used in tobacco products, also adds a slight sweetness to the end product but when you combine these two flavors in a snus, the lime flavoring will always win out over the mint due to its acidity.

Think of it this way, when you use a lemon or lime vinaigrette on a plain salad, what's the main thing you taste? It's not the lettuce or endive or even the peppery Rockett, the main thing you taste is the citrus in the vinaigrette. The different lettuce components are there but are in the background. The same thing is happening with the mint in GR White Lime! You can taste the lime as the predominant flavor followed by the salt, tobacco and then, in the very back, is the slight sweetness and very subtle hint of mint. Now, the scent coming from the can is a completely different story! It's quite the opposite really. "SnusGuy, we don't follow! If there's hardly no mint flavor, how can it be one of the first things you smell? Well, it's weird really and I could go into a long, drawn out culinary/chemistry lesson but instead, here's the Cliff notes version. The scent of Mint is much stronger than that of a lime. The proof is to take a couple sprigs of Mint and a cut piece of lime and you see what I mean. So, to review, the flavor of GR White Lime is predominantly lime, there are subtle hints of salt, tobacco and herbs mingled in as well but, overall the flavor is mild. The scents that come from the can can be a bit misleading but enjoyable. The strength of the flavorings are mild, not overpowering like one would expect in an Original type portion but light like most white portion snus typically is. The flavor of GR White Lime, albiet light, does last for about an hour and a half which is pretty good since the Swedish snus users typically only keep a portion in for 30 minutes or so. So, let's see what types of drinks we can pair with GR White Lime portion snus!

Most Snustopians would assume that a snus that flavored with lime would make a great snus to use with Tequila drinks or Rum drinks, specifically Mojitos. Well, if this were an original type portion snus I would agree since the flavor would be much stronger but this is a white type portion and the flavor is much lighter. This means that strong alcoholic drinks would completely drown out the flavor of the snus. Being one of the hottest July's in the history of Snustopia, I decided to try some different NA beers. Since there is no alcohol in these beers, GR White Lime went really well with the imported NA beer. The other drink that went well was iced teas! Your standard sun brewed iced tea ,with it's lighter flavor went really well but, some of my black teas tended to drown out the flavor. Overall, lighter flavored drinks like lighter beers and green iced teas go really well with GR White Lime while stronger flavored beers, like Sam Adams or Wheat beers, and stronger, brewed Iced teas tended to overpower the snus. I really suggest that you try both but, I'll let you decide and form your own opinions!

My overall recommendations for Göteborgs Rapè White Lime portion snus from Swedish Match Snustopians, is this; If you're a new Snustopian looking for a white portion snus to use as a main use brand with a light taste and little salt, GR White Lime Portion would be great for you. Experienced Snustopians who use mid strength snus, and are looking for a uniquely flavored snus will also be pleasantly surprised. Those of us who use Extra Sterks like their candy, may find the light flavors in GR White Lime a bit too light but, that is for you to decide! Göteborgs Rapè White Lime portion snus can be bought at most online shops but I recommend getting it from Snustopia's only place for Swedish snus,
The SnusCENTRAL Snus Shop. They have the best prices on the web and great customer service. Just click on the banner to the right to be taken right to the shop and, if your a new customer, just enter the code on the banner at checkout and get a 10% discount on your first order! Just tell them That Snus Guy sent you!
Well Snustopians, I hope you enjoyed Our tour of Göteborgs Rapè White Lime portion snus by Swedish Match And found it fun and informative. I look forward to any questions or comments you may have And will answer them as soon as I can. So Snustopians, until our next review, as always,
Happy Snusing!
That Snus Guy
1 comment:
Great review as always and welcome back, Snus Guy!
I have been recommending GR' Lime with tequila and tequila-based drinks.
I just figured out why I didn't pick up on the snus flavors being wiped out because GR'Lime is a white portion.
It's because I had already consumed a few tequila drinks BEFORE I put the portion in! I've picked up some bad habits from Moe Unz it seems.
You couldn't have returned a minute too soon. Great to have you back.
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