Greetings Snustopians!
This week I thought we’d take a look at a snus type that is pretty unique to the Swedish snus world, the dry, purified type. The brand we’ll start with is also pretty unique to the snus world,
Northerner Energy snus. “Snus Guy, there are dry portion snus brands out there, quite a few actually so, what makes this type different and unique?” Well, there are brands out there that are typed as “dry” but they still have a bit of moisture in the snus its self. With the dry type we’ll discuss today, there is no moisture in the snus whatsoever! There are also “Energy” snus on the market too but only one that combines them both! So, knowing this, grab a comfy seat, your favorite can of snus and let’s take a look at Dry, purified snus types and
Northerner Energy snus!
Ever since the day I created Snustopia, I’ve wanted to review Northerner Energy snus but always hesitated to try it. Why, you ask? Well, it was mainly due to what I’ve read about it and Dry, purified snus in general. If you read comments on the other snus sites out there you can get a feeling for how the Swedish snus world feels about this type of snus. Some praise it but most of them condemn it and say that Dry, purified type snus isn’t really Swedish snus because the tobacco is a powder and real Swedish snus is supposed to be moist. The other thing you’ll read is that some snus users think that the snus its self is made by a subpar snus manufacturer because it looks like the inside of the cans are dirty. Well Snustopians, I hope to debunk these myths in this review and the first one we’ll tackle is the myth about Northerner Energy snus being “non-Swedish” snus!
A common misnomer among new snus users is the theory that true Swedish snus is made in Sweden. Well, while the majority of snus is made there, there are a few brands that are not. V2 snus brands are, for example, made in Denmark but made in the Swedish tradition to the high Swedish standards. Northerner Energy snus is made in Sweden by Snusbruket and also made to the high Swedish standards but, unlike V2’s snus, Snusbruket snus brands are dry. That leads us to the reason some snus users think that Northerner energy snus is “non-Swedish”, the fact that it’s really dry!
“But Snus Guy, there are snus brands out there that are dry, what makes Northerner Energy snus different?” It’s the fact that Snusbruket makes snus that is totally devoid of moisture. While they make Northerner Energy snus, it’s only one of a few brands they make. The best known brands they make are Oomph and Wise. What makes them unique is the fact that they are the only Swedish snus company to make a completely dry snus! If you take a look at the tobacco inside the teabag like portion material you’ll see that the tobacco is basically like a powder. This is also the reason why the inside of the can looks like there’s finely ground
dirt in it. It’s from the powdered tobacco which is brown in color and really does resemble dirt dust but, take my word for it, it’s not! So for those that think the factory is subpar or dirty remember this, no matter if Swedish snus is manufactured moist or dry, it still has to pass the Swedish food agency’s strict standards so rest assured, Northerner Energy snus as well as the other Snusbruket varieties, are quality, Swedish snus. Ok, back to the review!
One would also think that a snus portion completely devoid of moisture would be really uncomfortable under the lip but, on the contrary, the portion is pretty comfortable under the lip for over 2 hours! They do, however, take a bit of getting used to. First, the portion it’s self is smaller than the typical portion and is pretty close in size to a Mini. They are also much thinner than a portion of moist snus due to the tobacco being dry and less is needed. The tobacco is also purified and has 6 mg of purified Nicotine in it and 0.3 grams of tobacco. I also found that when you first put a portion of Northerner Energy in the lip, it can stick a bit but, a quick dabbing of your gums with your tongue and the same on the portion quickly takes care of that issue. I’ve had a portion in for over 2 hours with no discomfort whatsoever. “Whoa Snus Guy, back the truck up a bit! What is this “Purified” thing?” Yea, I thought that would throw you! Let’s take a closer look.
Northerner Energy snus, as well as the rest of Snusbruket’s snus, goes thru a process that actually removes the unwanted contaminants in tobacco such as TSNA’s or Nitrosamines and leaves a tobacco product that’s pure tobacco and Nicotine. What this does for the snus is make the 6 mg of Nicotine feel more like 8 mg. The purification process does something else to the snus, it lightens the flavor of the snus but, I’m getting ahead of myself, let’s finish the mechanics first then, we’ll look at the flavor. If you look at the can, you’ll see that Northerner Energy snus also keeps your breath fresh and your teeth white! In my time using Northerner Energy snus, I have had fresher breath and my teeth stayed white while the portion was in but I know your saying “Does it taste like toothpaste Snus Guy?” No. What does these things is the addition of Baking Soda to the snus.
Baking soda has been the teeth cleaner of choice for centuries. Even now, there are toothpastes that have baking soda added to help keep teeth white. Snusbruket adds a minute amount of baking soda to all their snus for this reason. If you’ve been
a long time Snustopian, you’ll know that using Swedish snus can cause your teeth to stain a bit and with some people, make your breath smell. With Northerner Energy, this is not an issue and it’s due to both the baking soda and the fact that the portions really don’t juice up. Another unique thing about Northerner Energy snus is the can. The can is basically an oval shape and much flatter than the standard snus can. There are 2 compartments in the white plastic can, one on the bottom which holds the 24, 3 gram portions and a smaller compartment on the top that holds used portions. Both lids are hinged at the middle of the can and topped with a paper label. “Snus Guy, can we talk about the flavor now?” I know I’ve rambled a bit but, Northerner Energy snus is a pretty unique snus and a lot needed to be said about the snus its self so, now that you know the snus, let’s get to the flavor!
Northerner describes its snus as having flavors of peppermint and honey with a cool boost. They also say it’s an energy boosting snus due to it having Caffeine, Taurine and Guarana. For those that are not fans of Energy drinks, like yours truly, these three ingredients, along with the
Nicotine, give a pretty good boost of energy and, minus the Nicotine, are the three main ingredients in most energy drinks like Monster and Red Bull. What I taste in Northerner is honey with a touch of sourness, which I think comes from the Taurine and Guarana, along with the slightest hint of tobacco flavor. There is however a baking soda taste in the first couple of minutes but quickly dissipates as the portion gets moist. There is also a light pepper flavor as the portion sits in. What I also got was an energy boost and a bit lightheaded after about 10 minutes. This is from the energy ingredients but the Nicotine can also be added to that mix because since the snus is purified, it allows the Nicotine to be absorbed quicker than the standard portion. There is a dark side to Northerner Energy snus and it shows up after about an hour and a half.
I’ve had the flavor of Northerner Energy snus last for about 1 ½ hours when the portion went from lightly flavored to really bitter! It truly sneaks up on you because the overall flavor is relatively light. I think of it as a reminder that it’s time to change it out. My overall recommendation for keeping a portion in is about 1 ½ hours max for both the flavor and comfort! Ok, we’ve learned about what exactly a dry, purified portion is, busted a few of the myths associated with it, learned what “purified snus” is and what Northerner Energy snus tastes like so, let’s take a look at what drinks go well with it!
If you’re an Energy drink fan, like me, give Northerner Energy snus a try with a Monster or a Red Bull! It’s the perfect snus to give them an added kick in the energy department but, since Northerner Energy’s flavor is pretty light, it’s only good for the energy kick and really does nothing for the flavor. I’ve tried coffee with Northerner Energy and it had the same effect as the energy drinks, adds a kick but didn’t compliment the flavor. I had a hard time finding something that would enhance the flavor of the snus it’s self and found that the new white iced teas that are out seemed to bring the subtle honey and tobacco flavors out. Not like it does with a standard snus portion but just enough to sense them on the back of the tongue. If you’re looking for a snus that has a flavor that won’t impede the flavor of anything you care to drink and give you an added energy boost, Northerner Energy snus is the one!
My overall recommendations for Northerner Energy snus, Snustopians, are this; new Snustopians will really like Northerner Energy for a few reasons. One, the flavor is extremely light. The Nicotine level is also perfect for those beginning their snus journey along with the fact there is no juicing of the portion. Experienced Snustopians will like Northerner Energy for the same reasons as well as the fact that it really does keep your teeth white and breath fresh. The smaller portions also make the snus much more discreet while delivering the same Nicotine kick
as the standard portion does but, I’ll let you make the final decision!
Northerner Energy snus can be found exclusively at Snustopia’s favorite snus shop, Northerner.com, and is priced at $3.94 USD a can. If this is your first time ordering with them, just click on the banner to the left and get 10% off your first order at checkout! With a deal like that, what a perfect time to give Northerner Energy snus a try! Just tell them That Snus Guy sent you!
Well Snustopians, I hope you enjoyed our tour thru Northerner Energy snus by Snusbruket and found it fun and informative. I look forward to your questions and comments and will do my best to answer them as soon as I can.
So, until our next review Snustopians, as always,
Happy Snusing!
That Snus Guy