While I was doing research on the internet for another snus to review, I came across a snus brand that I had completely forgotten about. This snus was one of the first snus brands I had tried and one of the reasons I had decided to create Snustopia in the first place! That snus brand is Elixyr Power Energy portion snus by Rebel Tobacco.
Now, if you’re like me (Which you must be! You’re here because you searched for snus on the web!), you see hundreds of different brands of snus on the market and will usually buy based on what others have thought or, what you’ve read about the taste. Don’t feel bad Snustopians, that’s how I used to buy snus! In most forums though, Elixyr Power Energy rates at the top of the “Love it” or “Hate it” list. It even tops Phantom Blue with the consensus leaning more towards the “Hate it” side rather than the “Love it”. So, since I regularly color outside the lines, I made the decision and ordered a couple cans of Elixyr Power energy.
“Snus Guy! If you read that most people really didn’t like it, why try it?” Good question. As you all know, my two favorite drinks are Diet Coke and Monster Energy Drinks. Since Elixyr Power Energy has the same basic ingredients that a Monster does, I thought “what the heck, I’ll give it a go!” That and the fact of wanting to give Elixyr Power Energy a fair and unbiased review! So, if you’re ready to go, sit back, relax and let’s begin our review of Elixyr Power Energy snus by Rebel Tobacco!
Elixyr Power energy is a regular type portion snus. As you remember, regular type means that it has gone thru the additional step to add a bit more moisture to the material. Each portion has a little less than a gram of snus and there are 24 portions in each can. Each portion contains about 11 mg of Nicotine as well. The portion material is the typical tea bag type but a bit softer than most which makes them very comfortable under the lip. I classify Elixyr as a lower priced snus so, when I say that the portion material is softer than most, I mean lower priced brands. Elixyr’s feel under the lip is comparable to General regular portions or Gotlandssnus portions.
I’ve had a portion in for over 3 hours with very little discomfort but, after the 2 ½ hour mark the portion begins to get a bit weird feeling so, I recommend about 2 ½ hours max on feel only! When we get to the taste part, you’ll see why I make this distinction. Ok, now that you know the feel of Elixyr Power Energy, let’s get into the most talked about part, the taste!
The taste of Elixyr Power Energy is probably the most unique taste I’ve come across in a Swedish snus! Rebel describes Power Energy as a complement or substitute for energy drinks or coffee but doesn’t offer any explanation of the taste other than tobacco and lemon. Actually, when I was trying to find info on Elixyr Power Energy in the beginning, pretty much every online store offered the same description! This is another reason why I decided to review it.

Elixyr Power Energy has the same energizing ingredients in it as Monster Energy and Red Bull does meaning Caffeine, Taurine and Guarana. These 3 ingredients are what give energy drinks their kick! “So, what does that have to do with the flavor Snus Guy?” I’m getting to that! The way Elixyr is described; one would think it tastes like Red Bull or Monster. Well, it doesn’t. There are hints of lemon and some sweetness and, after a while a small bit of tobacco flavor comes thru but, that’s it.
Look again at how Rebel describes Elixyr Power Energy, specifically at the “complements” piece. The taste of Power Energy by its self is, well, pretty harsh. The Taurine and Caffeine gives the snus a bitter taste and really masks the lemon and tobacco flavors. But, combine it with an energy drink or drinks with strong flavors and, you have a great substitute for those power shot drinks!
In my experience, Elixyr Power Energy’s effectiveness lasts about 45 minutes. This snus is one of the only snus I suggest to change out after about 45 minutes. “Why Snus Guy? Is the taste really bad?” No. Elixyr Power Energy was created to be an energizing snus and, after 45 minutes, the Nicotine, Caffeine and other energizing ingredients are basically absorbed and the snus tends to get bitter. So, knowing that Elixyr Power Energy was made to accompany drinks, let’s discuss them now!
As I said before, Elixyr Power Energy is the perfect accompaniment to energy drinks. My staple Monster Energy drink went extremely well! With Monster, I could actually make out the lemon and a hint of tobacco flavor which was surprising. Red Bull did well also but in a different way. Red Bull tends to have a slight medicine taste. Elixyr Power Energy helped to mask that taste and added a bit of sweetness to the drink.
I know there are Snustopians that really don’t care for energy drinks due to the medicine taste so; I tried Elixyr Power Energy with a high caffeine drink, Mountain Dew!
It was as if Rebel created Power Energy for it! Mountain Dew, in my opinion, is too sweet so I was a bit leery when I first thought about trying it. I was really shocked when I did! The bitterness in the snus dulled down the sweetness and added another layer of taste. It also did really well in adding that extra kick. In essence, it recreated Monster without the medicine taste! I tried it with coffee and it was, well, a taste disaster! Strong teas like Earl Grey and other Black teas faired a bit better but, energy drinks and Mountain Dew were the best!
My overall recommendation for Elixyr Power energy portion snus by Rebel Tobacco Snustopians is this. Elixyr Power Energy is a very unique snus and not for everyone. I believe it caters to Snustopians that enjoy energy drinks or, want to add the energy jolt to their drinks without adding the medicine taste. So, if you’re a Snustopian, like me, that loves energy drinks or, Mountain Dew, you can’t go wrong with adding Elixyr Power Energy to your rotation. For those Snustopians that don’t like energy drinks or, like to use portions with little or no drinks, I really don’t recommend Elixyr Power Energy but, like I always say, tastes differ and the choice is yours!
Elixyr Power Energy really does offer a great value for those that like it. At an average of $2.67 USD per can you really can’t go wrong with it! You can save even more money by visiting Snustopia’s number one snus store, The Northerner, by clicking on the banner at the top of this page and, if this is your first time ordering from them, get 10% off at checkout!
Well Snustopians, I hope you found our trip thru Elixyr Power Energy portion snus by Rebel Tobacco informative. I also hope I revealed some of the mystery behind it as well! Please feel free to leave any comments or questions you may have and I’ll do my best to answer them!
As always,
Happy Snussing!
That Snus Guy
Hi slartie!
Just so you know, Elixyr does have tobacco. Rebel does make "Tobacco Free" snus but Power Energy isn't one of them.
Please comment back when you try it and let me know your thoughts!
That Snus Guy
I couldn't agree more slartie!
When I read your first post, I had to go back and re-read the blog to make sure I didn't describe anything wrong then I remembered that Rebel makes a tobacco free snus called Energy!
Rest assured, if I do ever review a "tobacco free" snus in the future, I'll make sure to make it clear in the first paragraph! :)
Thanks again slartie! ;>)
That Snus Guy
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