Friday, September 11, 2009

0102 portion snus, a pre-review of a new snus family from Swedish Match!

Greetings fellow Snustopians!

It’s been a pretty exciting day here at the Ministry of Information and everyone here is filled with anticipation on the release of Swedish Match Lab’s newest brand creation, 0102 portion snus! Before I go on about this totally new brand of snus, actually, it’s a brand new way of looking at Swedish snus as a whole; let me tell you how I came to find out about it.

During my morning constitutional in the gardens at Skruf Square, I was approached by a man in a white lab coat and dark glasses. As he passed by me, he dropped a gray catalog envelope with the words “Top Secret, for your eyes only. 0102 Labs” and “2 TSG” typed above it. Well, “TSG” is my code name in Swedish snus circles so; I casually picked it up and raced back to my office to see what exactly it was. It was exactly what I hoped it was, pictures and a synopsis of a new family of portion snus by Swedish Match called 0102 with a note saying “Let everyone in Snustopia know about this innovative, new snus before its too late!” Since it didn’t have any samples of the snus its self, I felt it was imperative to at least let you Snustopians know what it is, when it will be available and, most importantly, why it came to be! So, without further delay, I give you a preview of 0102 Original and Strong portion snus!

Like I said, the mysterious Lab worker didn’t include any cans of 01 or 02 so, the taste review will come in due time but, he did include a bunch of pictures which, I have posted in the picture review in the upper left corner of the page. As you can see, this snus family will be pretty unique in a couple of different ways, first being that there are two different types in the family. While they are both regular type portions, there is a difference in the Nicotine levels in them. 01 will be an Original strength portion with 8 mg of Nicotine per portion and 02 will be a Strong portion with 13 mg of Nicotine per portion. The portions themselves are also unique because they will be longer in size. This will allow the portion to sit better in the lip and move less and each can will have 24, one gram portions.

The other unique thing will be that the portions are said to be “No-Drip” portions. “Snus Guy, No-Drip? Does that mean that they are dry? Well, according to the documents I’ve read, the lab guys at Swedish Match Labs have created a new formula that keeps the snus moist but, makes it drip less. Once I can get my hands on a can or two, we’ll look at this part more but for now, we’ll take them at their word! If you take a look at this picture, you can see that even the cans get a makeover with just plainly “01” or “02” on the top and a new set of icons on the side that explain exactly what you can expect the snus to be. There are used portion compartments on the lid in a configuration much like the General Ekstra Sterk cans.

I know what you all are thinking, “Snus Guy, why would they call them 01 and 02? Why not give it a more creative name?” Good question! The answer is pretty simple. 0102 was developed with a lot of input from Swedish Match customers and the snus using world in general. Researchers typically ask panels what they would like to see in new brands but Swedish Match Labs asked them something that’s rarely asked, what they didn’t like in the current brands and what needed to be changed in order to create the “Ultimate” snus brand. The results were pretty startling. The panelists basically said that they were tired of seeing logos and brands wherever they go and on everything they see from buildings to ……well…… people! They wanted something simple, effective and new. And they wanted it NOW! With this information in hand, they passed it on to their team of highly intelligent, super creative scientists, no, not these guys to the left, real scientists and asked them to create the ultimate snus based on this criteria.

They came up with the formula and the flavor but, what to call it? It needed to be really simple according to the panelists and something that would be really easy to remember. They looked at these two test cans and voile, 01 & 02 portion snus were born! Yea, I know it sounds too simple to be true but, that’s really how they came up with the name!

Swedish Match plans to release 0102 portion snus the first week of October 2009 and, when it’s released; you’ll be able to get it at Snustopia’s best shop for snus, The Northerner. If it’s your first time buying snus from them, just click on the banner to the left and get 10% off on your first order!

Well Snustopians, I hope you enjoyed our pre-review of 0102 portion snus by Swedish Match and found it fun and informative. Like I said in the beginning, once the Ministry of Information gets me some cans of it, I’ll do a full taste review of it! If you have any questions about 0102 or any other snus or, any suggestions on a snus you’d like to see reviewed, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll do my best to answer them as soon as I can!

So, until our next review Snustopians, as always,

Happy Snusing!

That Snus Guy

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