Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Beginnings

Well, we're off! I guess I should explain why I created this blog first. It all began with a race. At the time, I was a 2+ pack a day smoker for the past 27 years. I've tried every method out there to stop and none of them worked for any amount of time. Patches, gums, lozenges, cold turkey, voodoo dolls, prescription drugs, nothing. I had seriously been trying for 5 years and the only thing I got out of these things was a headache and a smaller balance in the bank. Well, I had convinced myself that I was going to be a smoker for life and there was nothing I could do about it! Now, your probably sitting there saying "here we go, another whiny guy with no self control and will power.". Since I could write a day long blog just on that subject, we'll press on with the story.

I am a HUGE NASCAR fan and have a buddy that I go to any race with. This year he had an extra ticket to the summer race at Indy. I always drive because, I smoke and he dosen't but, never minded me smoking in his truck or in the hotel room at the races but, this time it was different. We were staying at his cousin's house and none of his family smoked. Now, If any of you have ever been to a NASCAR event you'll understand how hard it is to smoke when you have over 100,000 fellow fans crammed in stands like sardines without burning someone or, getting ashes all over the people in front of you so, I decided that I was going to get a can of "Dip" for the race. I can get my "Nic" fix and not worry about burning anybody or missing any of the race because I had to go smoke. Here's where the fascination with Snus begins!

I stopped at a gas station in Indianapolis, IN. to get my "Dip" and noticed a small, clear acrylic box on the counter with "Cold Camel SNUS sold here". I asked the cashier what it was and she said "It's a new kind of dip that we have to keep cold. It's in pouches, cleaner that regular dip and you don't have to spit because you put it in your upper lip.". Being a guy that likes trying something new, I bought 2 tins of the "Spice" and headed for the track. As we got settled in for tailgating, I put a pouch in my upper lip as the gal said. I was hooked! I'll go into the flavor in another blog but, let's just say, I never smoked another cigarette again and it all BEGAN with Camel SNUS. On the way home, I stopped at the same station and bought all 14 cans they had because I had never seen it where I live and was afraid of running out.

When I got home, I told my wife about what had happened and she was amazed! She suggested I go out to the Internet and research this SNUS thing and make sure it's safe. I spent a few days reading everything I could about Camel SNUS. What I read both intrigued and confused me. There are quite a few web sites and forums about Snus but not many about Camel SNUS. What I did find about Camel SNUS was not very encouraging but, what I found on Swedish Snus (notice the spelling difference in Snus) really intrigued me! It was this day that I discovered an entirely new world, and passion. Real Swedish Snus!

In my next post, we'll explore the wonderful world of Swedish Snus and my opinions on "American Snus".

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Nicely said! With any luck our habit/hobby will be more widely available soon. :)