Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Awakening!!

So, here we are. The second stop on the road to Snustopia! As I said in the "Beginnings" post, today we will learn the difference between true Swedish Snus and "American" Snus. I will also go into what led me to make the decision I have made. Before we embark on our journey though, I must say this: I do not claim to be the "All Knowing", "All Seeing", end all to beat all source for Swedish or any other snus. I am simply on a quest for knowledge and taking you, the reader, along for the journey! The opinions I have formed are my own based on personal tastes and what I have learned from others more knowledgable than me. (Which is everyone according to my Wife . 8>\ ) Whew! Glad that's over! Now, if everyone's ready, On to the Awakening!

As I said at the end of "Beginnings", I will discuss the different types of Swedish Snus and give my opinion on "American" Snus. I feel I need to take you back to the weekend I got back from the race so you can see how I formed the opinions I have and found Swedish Snus first.

When I came home that weekend, my head was reeling. I had just found a new vice that had totally taken the urge to smoke away in one day (there was a catch to this which I'll explain later) and I knew nothing about it! All I knew about it was what that gal at the gas station told me and, that I was hooked on Snus from Sweden! Well, what I thought was snus from Sweden.

Once I got home, I began searching the Internet for information about snus. The first place I found was Wikipedia. It was here that I began to realize that Camel SNUS is not Swedish Snus. There is a BIG difference between the two and I was about to learn why I was feeling the urge to smoke only when I didn't have a Camel SNUS pouch in. You see, the Camel SNUS is a snus of sorts. It's an "American" snus meaning, a smokeless tobacco product that is made in the "Swedish" fashion and used like Swedish Snus but, it's not made in Sweden nor does it taste like Swedish Snus. So, in essence, this is why the snus in Camel SNUS is capitalized. It's a snus-like product so, it can't be called snus. If that makes any sense. (Note; if you would like to read where else I came up with this opinion, Mr. Unloadingzone's blog is where I read about the differences. He's a fellow Snusophile and a very knowlegeable resourse on RJR Tobacco's attempt to develope this market. I encourage you to visit his site!)

Now your probably sitting in your chair, saying to yourself , "I'm confused. If Camel SNUS isn't really snus but, it's made like snus yet, it doesn't taste like snus but you're hooked on SNUS...I mean Snus and you haven't tasted SnUs but you still want to smoke sNUs......." I get it. You wouldn't be alone. This is exactly how I felt after reading the Wiki and Mr. ULZ's blog. So now, I needed to know what Swedish snus was, where to get it, how to use it and, some idea of how it differs in taste from Camel's. Before we go there, here's a little description of the tastes for the two Camel SNUS flavors I tried (and still do on occasion). Remember, these are descriptions prior to having the real thing:

Camel SNUS Spice:
  • Comes in a metal tin containing 15 Small pouches. Pouches seem to be made of a type of "tea bag" type material. The tobacco is dry and smells like Pumpkin Pie seansonings (IMO). Taste is the same and quite sweet. When placed in the upper front lip, burns for about 5 minutes. Flavor lasts for about 30 minutes. A slight Aspertame aftertaste once the pouch is expelled. Overall, A good tasting product but, no real nicotine level noticed which would explain why I wanted a cigarette after using it.

Camel SNUS Frost:

  • Same metal tin as Spice with the same pouch quantity and quality. Tobacco is the same but the taste is very similar to Spearmint gum. Lip feel and aftertaste are the same as Spice but, the flavor seems to disapate after about 15 minutes. Nicotine lever is the same as Spice.

After reading Mr. ULZ's blog, I learned that Camel SNUS has only 6 mg. of nicotine in each pouch, which is another difference between Swedish Snus and Camel SNUS. I began to dig a little deeper on the internet and, a forum named popped up. I deceided to go to this site solely due to Mr. ULZ's recomendation on his blog. Here's where the world of Snus, for me, and Snustopia were literally born! I know I said we would explore the different types of Swedish Snus in this chapter but, when I mentioned I remembered all the things I learned and, am still learning, purely from the great people there, I deceided that it should be in it's own chapter along with the whole Swedish Snus experience. Trust me, it will be worth the wait! I promiss.

Now, let's review where we are to this point.

  • We learned that there is an alternative to smoking that dosen't require a spit can. (No offence to you American Smokless users out there. I like Red Man Snuff every once in a while.)
  • You now have another alternative to go to your favorite sporting event and get your nicotine without leaving your seat.
  • There IS a difference between Swedish Snus and Camel SNUS.
  • Mr. ULZ is a wealth of information and a fellow Snusophile.
  • That Snus Guy better tell us about the wonders of Swedish Snus in the next post, OR ELSE!!!!!!

Before I end this post, there are snuses that are made by a swedish company and available at any Speedway Gas Station. One is called Tourney and, if you live in Ohio, there's Triumph. They are made by the Swedish Match company, in Sweden. Swedish Match is the largest snus manufactorer in Sweden and make the General Brand family of Snus. You can try Camel's version if you like sweet but, Triumph and Tourney will be closer to the real thing. In the next chapter, you'll find out why.

Happy Snusing from Snustopia!!

1 comment:

Aaron said...

I'm glad you noted the chemical/aspartame taste of Camel snus, that's one of the reasons I sought of the real deal. Did you see that post on the forum about Skoal snus?