Welcome to Snustopia!! Home of World Renowned Swedish snus reviewer Rob Jarzombek, known throughout the snus world as "That Snus Guy"! Here, Rob writes his uniquely unbiased reviews in an informative and fun way, so that anyone, from the snus curious to the seasoned user, can make informed decisions when ready to make a purchase. You will also find Rob's reviews detailed and unlike any other available on the web. So, sit back, pop in your favorite snus and enjoy the world that's Snustopia!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Portion Snus. The big and small of it!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Different types of Snus and Göteborg's Rapé Lös
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Ministry of Information - Snus Type and Destinction, Reverse Yearing office.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
From "Tourist to "National"
The most common way to use snus is to place the portion or, if your using the lös first, the Prilla or Pris (pronounced Price) in the front of the upper lip. Pretty much just to the left or right of the little piece of skin between the inner lip and gums. Although some snussers will place it in the bottom lip like American dip, we will be using the upper lip. "But why?" you say? Simple, this is the way I was taught to use snus in the true Swedish way! This method produces the lowest amount of saliva so, less saliva, less juice, less wanting to spit but, with Swedish Snus, you can swallow the small amount of juice! I did when I began and love the flavor. In my research, the nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream thru the mucus membranes in the mouth so, I find that, when my gums are dry, the nicotine is absorbed better. Also, the upper lip tends not to get as much saliva so, this is the best practice in Snustopia. Now, you will probably read that the nicotine is absorbed only by the lining of the stomach so, swallowing the juice is the ONLY way to get it. WRONG!! While there is some absorbed by swallowing the juice, the main transference is thru the gums so, if your standoffish about swallowing the juice, spit. As long as you get enjoyment from our past time, the Snus police won't toss you in jail for spitting. Just know, it's safe to do so! Ok, that's enough about where to put your snus and swallowing or not swallowing.
"How Long do I keep a portion or pris in?" Good question! It basically depends on your preference. Based on my research, the average in Sweden is anywhere between 15 to 45 minutes. Which, to be honest, I could never understand. In my personal experience, the snus seems to begin to get flavorful after 30 minutes and, with some flavors, will last up to 2 hours. The main thing to remember is this, it takes about 10 minutes for the nicotine to start working and is pretty much gone from the snus after about 45 minutes. In my opinion, after about 1 hour for portions, the flavor is pretty much gone. Lös snus flavor, for me anyway, lasts the longest. I generally get flavor for up to 2 hours with each pris. As you go, you'll find your favorites and form your own opinions. That's the great thing with snus and our country's mantra. "Everyone tastes something different in the same snus and we want to hear about it!"
Speaking of the Mantra, there is a rule of the land. As you tour the land of Snustopia and explore the tastes of different snus, I value your opinion on what you taste. Please feel free to post comments about what you are tasting or questions about snus. I created Snustopia to educate, to the best of my ability, and share snus with the rest of the world so, post away. I'll try to answer your questions as best as I can. Thank you. -Snustopia Ministry of Questions and Tastes, Tourists Division.
Since we seem to be going with the basics, let's talk storage. Swedish Snus is best kept at a temperature of +8°C (that is what is on the bottom of the cans, converted to Fahrenheit it's 46.4° or 45°F). Does this need to be precise? No. Making a home in the bottom of the fridge is just fine. I keep mine in a mini fridge, near my desk. My obsession with snus has called for a dedicated fridge simply because I have so many. I will give you my method for storing: Sealed tins with a Best Before date at least 2 months out are kept in the fridge along with opened tins. (I have about 6 tins open at any given time for vareity) Tins with Best Before dates 1 1/2 months or less go into a ziplock bag with as much air removed as possible and the date then, into the freezer. Purchased rolls go into the freezer and tins are taken out as needed and defrosted in the fridge for 24 hours prior to use. You can freeze snus for up to a year with little taste loss. Haven't had any last that long but, some have and they are fine. The only thing snus does not like is heat. Why you ask? again, it's due to the process it's cured by and the formation of those nasty TSNA's we spoke about in chapter 2. When out and about in Snustopia, I carry a tin with a divider in it and carry 4 different kinds. Some flavored, some Strong and some regular portions. (even the Snustopia founder is still self conscious regarding Lös and using it in public.) I personally love the feel of cold snus on my gums so, My snus lives in the fridge when it's at home. You'll develope a taste for how you like your snus as we go on but, just remember. By snus not liking heat I mean HOT! Like keeping your snus in the car on a +90°F day, all day, all the time....Not good. It will begin to ferment and that's not good. Keeping it in your pocket for 8 hours or, on your desk is fine. Remember, snus tastes best when it's moist and, keeping it in the fridge will keep it that way longer.
Ok. I've given you enough to read for today. We'll continue on in the next chapter. Remember, If you have started snus, please post your comments or questions. We have an extensive knowledge base here in the land and will try to answer your questions with it along with adding your comments to it.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I named this chaper "Creation!" because it was at this stage of my research that I created a love for Swedish snus and basically ended a 27 year habit. The creation of that love began with the finding of SnusOn.com.
Now, you must understand something before we continue. I have only been using Swedish Snus for a little over 2 months now and, even though it's a relatively short amount of time, I feel like one of snus' largest supporters and, one of the few to dedicate an entire blog around it. As I said in the beginning, I'm taking a trip thru snus and taking you along with me. So, if your ready and, still willing to go forward, let's get going!!
Please remember, the reviews I give here are based on what I taste in the snus. When you try it, you may or may not taste the same things because everyone's taste is different. This is what makes snus and the snus experience special and makes me love it even more. I am in no way an expert on the subject but, thru research and experience, I know enough to be dangerous.
You may be saying to yourself, "just what makes snus so special or different from snuff or "dip"? In my opinion, it's a few things. The first being the way Swedish Snus is processed. By processed I mean cured. Curing is what makes the tobacco useable and flavorful. While I'm not an expert on the processes of either, I will try to give you the short version on what my research has found. "Dip" is "Fire" Cured which is what gives it it's smokey flavor and dark color. What this also does is create chemicals calles TSNA's or, Nitrosamides. Nitrosamides are the cancer causing chemicals in tobacco. While they are much lower in "dip" than in cigarettes, they are even lower in Swedish snus. Swedish snus is cured by steaming which results in even lower amounts of Nitrosamides because the temperatures are lower during the curing process. Again, I'm not an expert but, do a search on TSNA's+snus+dip and you'll see that snus IS lower in TSNA's due to it's curing process.
The second reason is that, in Sweden, snus is considered a "Food Product" because it is placed in the mouth. This means that it must pass inspection by the Swedish equivalent of the US FDA. This means that the product would be purer than american "dip" since the government must give it's approval before it can be consumed. American "dip" or chewing tobacco does not go thru the FDA. (For more on the inspection and approval process, please visit www. gothiatek.com)
The last reason, for me atleast, is variety. while there are many different "dip" manufactorers, there are only a few flavors. The staples being, original, wintergreen, and Full. Skoal does make fruit flavors like cherry, green apple and others but, these are the staples for most "dip" producers. Also, there are only a few major companies that make it. RJR Tobacco, US Tobacco, and Swedish Match (yes, the same Swedish Match that makes Snus). While Swedish Snus DOES have it's giants in the business like Swedish Match, BAT and ....well...that's it. The majority of the other producers are relatively small companies. The biggest snus producer is, by far, Swedish Match. They produce many of the most popular brands like General, Röda Lacket, Ettan, Catch, Grövsnus, Göteborg's Rape and others. They also produce the american snus brand Triumph along with Red Man, TimberWolf and Longhorn brand "Dips". Even though Swedish Match is a huge company, thier quality of snus is very high. It's the reason they have the market share in Sweden.
While I'll never bad mouth American Dip (because I do on occasion use Red Man Moist) I just feel Swedish Snus is better for you, health wise, and I enjoy the taste more. Did I also mention that Snus is "Spitless"? This means that you can enjoy snus without the need for a spit cup. This makes it more stealthy. I use it at work and no one is the wiser. ; )
Now, your saying, "OK, OK! enough of the health babble!! Give us the reviews!!! Ok. Before we go to the different brands and flavors, I need you, the reader, to do a little homework assignment. To get a better understanding on how many brands and flavors there are to choose from. I need you to visit either www.BuySnus.com or www.northerner.com . They are the best online snus shops online with the largest selections of Swedish Snus. You're going to need to see what each looks like while we do the explainations. There will be extra credit for anyone that orders from BuySnus using the link on the left of this page! To get a better feel of what we will be sharing, please visit www.snuson.com . This forum, like I said, is the best knowledge base for snus. The members, of which I'm one (AirWoodstock) are the best and will answer any question you put out there regarding snus. This is due tomorrow. I have to charge up my camera to take pictures of the flavors I'll be reviewing.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Awakening!!
As I said at the end of "Beginnings", I will discuss the different types of Swedish Snus and give my opinion on "American" Snus. I feel I need to take you back to the weekend I got back from the race so you can see how I formed the opinions I have and found Swedish Snus first.
When I came home that weekend, my head was reeling. I had just found a new vice that had totally taken the urge to smoke away in one day (there was a catch to this which I'll explain later) and I knew nothing about it! All I knew about it was what that gal at the gas station told me and, that I was hooked on Snus from Sweden! Well, what I thought was snus from Sweden.
Once I got home, I began searching the Internet for information about snus. The first place I found was Wikipedia. It was here that I began to realize that Camel SNUS is not Swedish Snus. There is a BIG difference between the two and I was about to learn why I was feeling the urge to smoke only when I didn't have a Camel SNUS pouch in. You see, the Camel SNUS is a snus of sorts. It's an "American" snus meaning, a smokeless tobacco product that is made in the "Swedish" fashion and used like Swedish Snus but, it's not made in Sweden nor does it taste like Swedish Snus. So, in essence, this is why the snus in Camel SNUS is capitalized. It's a snus-like product so, it can't be called snus. If that makes any sense. (Note; if you would like to read where else I came up with this opinion, Mr. Unloadingzone's blog is where I read about the differences. He's a fellow Snusophile and a very knowlegeable resourse on RJR Tobacco's attempt to develope this market. I encourage you to visit his site!)
Now your probably sitting in your chair, saying to yourself , "I'm confused. If Camel SNUS isn't really snus but, it's made like snus yet, it doesn't taste like snus but you're hooked on SNUS...I mean Snus and you haven't tasted SnUs but you still want to smoke sNUs......." I get it. You wouldn't be alone. This is exactly how I felt after reading the Wiki and Mr. ULZ's blog. So now, I needed to know what Swedish snus was, where to get it, how to use it and, some idea of how it differs in taste from Camel's. Before we go there, here's a little description of the tastes for the two Camel SNUS flavors I tried (and still do on occasion). Remember, these are descriptions prior to having the real thing:
Camel SNUS Spice:
- Comes in a metal tin containing 15 Small pouches. Pouches seem to be made of a type of "tea bag" type material. The tobacco is dry and smells like Pumpkin Pie seansonings (IMO). Taste is the same and quite sweet. When placed in the upper front lip, burns for about 5 minutes. Flavor lasts for about 30 minutes. A slight Aspertame aftertaste once the pouch is expelled. Overall, A good tasting product but, no real nicotine level noticed which would explain why I wanted a cigarette after using it.
Camel SNUS Frost:
- Same metal tin as Spice with the same pouch quantity and quality. Tobacco is the same but the taste is very similar to Spearmint gum. Lip feel and aftertaste are the same as Spice but, the flavor seems to disapate after about 15 minutes. Nicotine lever is the same as Spice.
After reading Mr. ULZ's blog, I learned that Camel SNUS has only 6 mg. of nicotine in each pouch, which is another difference between Swedish Snus and Camel SNUS. I began to dig a little deeper on the internet and, a forum named SnusOn.com popped up. I deceided to go to this site solely due to Mr. ULZ's recomendation on his blog. Here's where the world of Snus, for me, and Snustopia were literally born! I know I said we would explore the different types of Swedish Snus in this chapter but, when I mentioned SnusOn.com I remembered all the things I learned and, am still learning, purely from the great people there, I deceided that it should be in it's own chapter along with the whole Swedish Snus experience. Trust me, it will be worth the wait! I promiss.
Now, let's review where we are to this point.
- We learned that there is an alternative to smoking that dosen't require a spit can. (No offence to you American Smokless users out there. I like Red Man Snuff every once in a while.)
- You now have another alternative to go to your favorite sporting event and get your nicotine without leaving your seat.
- There IS a difference between Swedish Snus and Camel SNUS.
- Mr. ULZ is a wealth of information and a fellow Snusophile.
- That Snus Guy better tell us about the wonders of Swedish Snus in the next post, OR ELSE!!!!!!
Before I end this post, there are snuses that are made by a swedish company and available at any Speedway Gas Station. One is called Tourney and, if you live in Ohio, there's Triumph. They are made by the Swedish Match company, in Sweden. Swedish Match is the largest snus manufactorer in Sweden and make the General Brand family of Snus. You can try Camel's version if you like sweet but, Triumph and Tourney will be closer to the real thing. In the next chapter, you'll find out why.
Happy Snusing from Snustopia!!
The Beginnings
I am a HUGE NASCAR fan and have a buddy that I go to any race with. This year he had an extra ticket to the summer race at Indy. I always drive because, I smoke and he dosen't but, never minded me smoking in his truck or in the hotel room at the races but, this time it was different. We were staying at his cousin's house and none of his family smoked. Now, If any of you have ever been to a NASCAR event you'll understand how hard it is to smoke when you have over 100,000 fellow fans crammed in stands like sardines without burning someone or, getting ashes all over the people in front of you so, I decided that I was going to get a can of "Dip" for the race. I can get my "Nic" fix and not worry about burning anybody or missing any of the race because I had to go smoke. Here's where the fascination with Snus begins!
I stopped at a gas station in Indianapolis, IN. to get my "Dip" and noticed a small, clear acrylic box on the counter with "Cold Camel SNUS sold here". I asked the cashier what it was and she said "It's a new kind of dip that we have to keep cold. It's in pouches, cleaner that regular dip and you don't have to spit because you put it in your upper lip.". Being a guy that likes trying something new, I bought 2 tins of the "Spice" and headed for the track. As we got settled in for tailgating, I put a pouch in my upper lip as the gal said. I was hooked! I'll go into the flavor in another blog but, let's just say, I never smoked another cigarette again and it all BEGAN with Camel SNUS. On the way home, I stopped at the same station and bought all 14 cans they had because I had never seen it where I live and was afraid of running out.
When I got home, I told my wife about what had happened and she was amazed! She suggested I go out to the Internet and research this SNUS thing and make sure it's safe. I spent a few days reading everything I could about Camel SNUS. What I read both intrigued and confused me. There are quite a few web sites and forums about Snus but not many about Camel SNUS. What I did find about Camel SNUS was not very encouraging but, what I found on Swedish Snus (notice the spelling difference in Snus) really intrigued me! It was this day that I discovered an entirely new world, and passion. Real Swedish Snus!
In my next post, we'll explore the wonderful world of Swedish Snus and my opinions on "American Snus".