Today I thought we’d take a look at a snus that’s actually been anticipated by Snustopians for quite some time, General Mint White portion snus. I know what you’re all thinking, “What do you mean by anticipated Snus Guy?” Well, as you can tell by the title of this review, General Mint is actually the big brother of General Mini Mint and not just because it’s a General product or because it’s mint flavored but, because it’s really just General Mini Mint in a bigger size! Ok, before I get you all confused, let’s start our trip thru General Mint White portion by Swedish Match and you’ll see why.
If you remember back to General Mini Mint’s introduction back in 2009, there’s been a clamoring by Snustopians everywhere for the portions to be full sized and stronger in Nicotine and this year, Swedish Match has answered the call by releasing General Mint White. When I received the news here in Snustopia that General Mint White was going to be released, I had my reservations about it. “Reservations Snus Guy, What did you doubt about General Mint White?” Well, typically when something that was designed to be small, suddenly gets made larger, certain things can happen.
With General Mint White, my concerns were this; will the portion’s flavor be overpowering because of the jump in the amount of tobacco used or, will the flavor be completely different? After trying just one can of General Mint White, I realized my concerns were unwarranted. “Ok Snus guy, are you going to tell us about the snus or what?” You’re right; I just wanted to get my thoughts out there before going into the rest of the review! So, what’s General Mint White like? Let’s take a look.
General Mint White portion is, well, a White type portion which means that the portions do not go thru the additional step in the manufacturing process that adds additional moisture to them. This leaves the material its original white color and a bit dryer than an original type portion but, Swedish Match uses the same soft teabag type material that they use in Mini Mint as well as the rest of their portions and is actually quite comfortable under the lip for a pretty long time. I’ve had a portion in for over 2 hours with a bit of wrinkling of the lip that I attribute to having the portion in too long. I recommend about 1 ½ hours max for comfort. Each can of General Mint White contains 24, one gram portions with each having 8 mg of Nicotine which is over twice the amount of Nicotine and snus in General Mini Mint! So, what about the can, you ask? Let’s take a look!

I know what you’re all thinking, “Oh boy, here comes the can OCD again!” so, I’ll try to keep it short. The can that General Mint White comes in is pretty similar to Mini Mint’s with the only exception being its size. The same grey metallic plastic that Swedish Match used for Mini Mint’s cans was used for General Mint White along with the same black and blue stripe and the trademark “General” logo on the lid of the used portion compartment. There, I shortened the can description but I know that all of you are here to see what General Mint White tastes like so, on to the flavor!
Like I said in the beginning, General Mint White was basically created due to the number of requests that Swedish Match received to make Mini Mint into a full sized portion. General Mint White’s flavor is actually a carbon copy of Mini Mint! The same lightly sweet, mint flavor that tastes like a cross between peppermint and wintergreen is the predominant flavor in General Mint White with the earthy flavor of the quality mix of hand selected tobaccos hinting in the background. What was missing in General Mint White is the same thing that’s missing in Mini Mint, the salt.
Now, I don’t mean that Swedish Match left out the salt in the formula because it’s needed to balance out the PH. What I mean is that you really can’t taste it like you can in the majority of Swedish snus flavors. Even though the strong minty flavor lasts for about an hour, the flavor changes a bit once the hour mark passes and leaves you with the flavor of the tobacco taking center stage and the light sweetness of mint just a hint with a slight bit of saltiness bringing it all together. At the 2 hour mark, the flavor begins to go pretty flat so; I recommend a 1 ½ hour max for full flavor enjoyment. So, what kind of drinks goes well with General Mint White? Let’s find out but first, a revelation!
When I began Snustopia back in 2008, I figured that the majority of Snustopians were either drinking soft drinks or energy drinks and I thought that trying to describe how each snus would taste with them would be a good thing. Well, times change and when I thought about it, it really didn’t seem right. As a Snustopian put it “It’s like pairing a fine wine with the taste of Skittles!” Unless you like to eat Skittles candy with a fine French Bordeaux! So, I decided to take this advice and look at trying General Mint White with other, non alcoholic drinks. The first one I tried was a cup of Earl Grey tea. This actually went really well together since the sweetness in the snus helped to cut the bite of unsweetened tea. The tea, in turn, helped to bring the flavor of the tobacco out a bit more. I tried it with a Breakfast Blend coffee and it really didn’t do too well. The coffee made the snus a bit bitter and, in my opinion, coffee and wintergreen really don’t go well together so, I recommend the tea but, the decision is up to you!

Well Snustopians, I hope you enjoyed our tour thru General Mint White portion snus by Swedish Match and found it informative and fun. I look forward to your questions and comments and will do my best to answer them as soon as I can! So, until our next review Snustopians, as always,
Happy Snusing!
That Snus Guy
Snustopia, and the author, would like to thank the folks at Swedish Match for graciously providing the materials needed to complete this review.
General Mint is the best mint smokeless tobacco out there. Many of my friends who dip grizzly mint, skoal mint etc say the same thing. Lets Snusify more Dippers.
I hear crickets. Anybody home here?
Hi all!
Yes, we're home but making a big move to a new home at SnusOn. We'll be moving the reviews over this week and make the domain change! Stay tuned and look for us at: http://www.snusforum.org/forum/blog.php?2-Snustopia!
I love General mini mint! Its terrific tasting, and is manufactured up to Gothiatek Standards. For more information on Snus, I suggest checking out http://snusauthority.com/blog/about
I'm a former dipper/smoker and my first snus was camel frost. I thought it was great but I did some research and found the general snus, and located a tobacco shop where i could get it locally, now I use general mint and general los because they only carry general. today the tobacco shop owner gave me 5 free cans of los that was expired! so I got 6 cans of los and 5 cans of mint for $20!!! what a deal. I am always giving snus to my friends who smoke and they complain about the nicotine being too high and makng them sick. Have you ever heard of that? its not sterk or anything, just regular mint.
Thanks everyone for the great input! Sorry for the long amount of time away from the blog but I've been working on a few other projects. Stay tuned in the next few days for new reviews!
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