Well Snustopians, before we go into tasting Claq Qui, I think it may be best to do a little explaining about why the recent reviews have been on strong snus. Since before Snustopia was created, and about the same time I began my journey into Swedish snus, there's been a clamor among snus users for a larger vareity of snus with a higher nicotine content. I jumped on the bandwagon as well recently since there were only 4 brands with a Nicotine content above 11 mg per gram. The only one I liked was Skruf Stark portions which have 14 mg per gram! In response to all the requests, Swedish Match has answered the call by offering 3 new higher nicotine "Sterks" and one of them, General Ekstra Sterk, is the strongest snus on the market with 15 mg per gram! I haven't yet tried this snus yet but, Claq Qui is one of the new 3 and, a unique one at that! So, without any further delay or, rambling from me, here's my take on Röda Lacket Claq Qui!
As you all should know, especially if you have read some of the first reviews, Röda Lacket lös is one of my favorite snus brands. When the rumors began to come out about Swedish Match getting ready to release a Stark portion version, in the beginning of November, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it! Now, for those of you that have read the prior reviews, you'll also know that lös snus is my favorite over portion snus so, for me to be excited over a portion snus is, a pretty big deal! When the first tin finally came, I knew this was going to
be a very different and, unique snus. Take a look at the picture to the left and you'll see what I mean. When I first saw the tin, the graphics caught my eye. Since I didn't (and still really don't) know what exactly "Claq Qui" meant, I figured it was a French saying and, with that, decided that the red splatters were paint and, this snus would be an Artisan type of snus. Boy was I wrong! After doing a little research, I found that the "Claq Qui" was meant to mean "Fight Club" due to it's strength. A video made by Northerner.com about Claq Qui can be found by clicking here, that gives you some insight on what the snus is supposed to be like. It's really well made so, definitely take a look! Here's a reason to have a look at the video, when you watch it, you'll have the answer for what the splatters really are!

Ok, I know your sitting there saying "SnusGuy! Yea, the can is cool and, so is the video but, we're not going to taste it! Get on with the snus taste already!" I know, I know, I did go a bit overboard on the tin but, with this snus, you need to take it all in to get all that Röda Lacket intended it to be! So, on to the snus it's self.
Claq Qui is a strong, White portion snus that has the classic Röda Lacket flavor of pure tobacco, salt, licorice and a hint of Strawberry but, with a twist. The twist being a pleasant, bitter taste due to the higher Nicotine content. Just as a side bar, most high Nicotine snus will have a bitterness in the back of the throat as well as a slight burn so, don't be alarmed, that's the way it's supposed to be! My snus-blog brother, Aaron, over at 1Fed1Dead is probably Röda Lacket's biggest fan and, also tastes the original Röda flavor in Claq Qui as well. His blog has some great reviews on snuff as well. Check em' out sometime.
The salt content in Claq Qui is a little higher than the other Starks I've tried but, not enough to keep me from using it as an "All Day" snus. If you are a jogger or use snus during work where you are doing strenuous work, keep a bottle of water handy though. I used Claq Qui while helping a family member move last weekend and, did dry my mouth out so, just thought I'd throw that in.
As I do with most snus reviews, I try to pair snus with drinks. Since I can't drink Alcohol, I'll give you some non-alcoholic choices. Since Claq Qui is a strong snus, It's a great "first thing in the morning" snus that goes well with coffee. I like it with my Pumpkin Spice coffee as well as a plain Café Americano. A medium strength tea with lemon will go well too but, I love it with Southern style sweet tea also. Since I'm addicted to Diet Coke, I usually say that "Diet Coke goes well with everything" but, not with this. I think the Diet Coke adds to the bitterness of Claq Qui and, can make both taste bad but, it does go well with energy drinks, believe it or not! Monster Energy drink and Claq Qui is a match made in heaven in taste and, getting you ready for the day or night!
My overall recommendation for Claq Qui is great! Everyone should try, at least, one tin of Claq Qui. Know this though, If you have never tried a snus with a 13 mg Nicotine content, be careful. The first couple of portions can make your head spin but, after the first 5 or 6, your body will adjust and you'll be fine. I say this because some Snustopians have not liked Claq Qui because of this. If you do experience this, use 1 portion a day until the spin stops. I really hope you'll try Claq Qui and, watch the video that the fine folks at Northerner. com put together. I'm sure that, once you try it, it'll become a favorite as it has for me!
(Here's some homework, post a reply after you watch the video and, let me know if you figured out what the color splashes are!)
I'm gonna agree on the salt content and dry mouth! It's also a little too burly for me to use first snus-in-the-morning. I let my 2nd can mellow for about 2 weeks after I got it, and once the overpowering ammonia scent [from manufacturing] was gone, I enjoyed the can better than I did the first one. I do wish they'd just amp up the nic hit in standard Röda white portion, the taste there is perfect for me, and the lös is amazing.
Found this funny snus commercial, actually there are 3 of them. anyways.
here is one of them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WPgJHRdsho
great blog, keep on snusing
The red splatters on the Clai Qui is blood. Fine. The End.
Great informative website. As an American who made the switch a year ago from cigarettes to dip (american). I have found swedish snus to be a better cleaner smarter way to get nicotine. From dipping the nictine levels in my blood would probley kill most small children so when switching from dip to claq qui I was skeptical about recieving the nicotine needed. All is well there I use two to three at a time. The taste is definitely an aquired one however. It is very salty. However after my first can I have found myself strangely enthralled by the taste, it is complicated and not easy to describe. Now I feel it is a shame Claq Qui is gone. What other snus is similar in taste and strength? Also what is a good loose snus to try as a first?
A visually refreshing and intellectually thought provoking blog on Swedish Snus. Splendid reads. Everyone who desires to read on Snus must subscribe to this blog. I enjoy the hearty air of the blog. The author knows what he's saying about, I can surely say it. The blog posts are appropriated and educationally unique about smokeless tobacco in general. The site's writer keeps the quality in every post. Like the way the blog caters to young and old readers alike. The impressive look and mood of this site set my tone for reading on it. The author tries to spread marvelous opinions. Most of the snus with are also found at www.swedsnus.com
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