Before we get into reviewing Offroad Cranberry Lös, I need to tell you a bit about this company. V2 is a
relatively new snus company located in Silkeborg, Denmark and owned by Marc and Patrick Vogel. They currently produce mainly the Offroad and Phantom brands (as well as others), in portion and lös versions. They began production in 2006 and have been producing high quality snus at a remarkable price ever since! All of V2's snus is priced below $3 USD a can but, as the title says, don't let the price fool you into thinking their product is sub-par. Other snus manufacturers could take a page from the Vogel's book when it comes to making an outstanding product and, not charging an arm and a leg for it.

The current thought process has been that "Low price means low quality" and "you get what you pay for". This is simply not true with V2's snus. I, for one, was a card carrying member of this thought process until a fellow SnusOn member convinced me to try it. Well, I'm hooked! Not just because of the price but, the flavor and, quality of the ingredients would make you think it costs just as much as the more expensive brands. We will be doing reviews on ALL of V2's snus but, today, let's get into Offroad Cranberry Lös!!
Hopefully, many of you by now have tried some form of snus and have formed some opinions. Some of you
probably like the pure tobacco flavored snus and some, like the different flavored snus. This snus is unique in the fact that most Swedish snus has the salt and tobacco flavors first and foremost. Offroad Cranberry, on the other hand, has the Cranberry flavor in the spotlight! As with all of V2 snus, in my opinion, whatever the flavor on the can says it is, that's what you taste. There is no mistaking what flavor it is and, the flavor is not subtle, like other flavored snus is. If you like Cranberries, this snus is for you!

The snus itself is a medium grind tobacco. Great for using a tool to form the pris or, the "hand baking" method. It is also seems to have a higher moisture content which also makes it ideal for hand baking. Nicotine content seems to be on the medium side. I can't find a definite nicotine number but, if I had to venture a guess I'd say it has about 8 mg. Pris feel in the lip is pretty comfortable, being a coarser cut than Skruf lös you would think it would be rougher on the lip and gums but, it's not actually. Over time, the pris is pretty durable no matter how you form it. I have had a pris in for about 2 hours with very little slide.
Flavor, obiviously, is Cranberry with a subtile hint of tobacco and very little salt. There are also hints of pepper but, no citrus which, is a staple in most Swedish snus. All of the acidity seems to come from the Cranberry. Again, the pris lasts about 2 hours and, the flavor could go on forever, if you let it! Offroad Cranberry is also unique from other snus in the fact that it's a sweet snus. As we've discovered in previous reviews, Swedish snus tends to be salty in flavor but, Marc and Patrick, in true V2 fashion, have taken their snus one step further by adding a sweet note.
In my opinion, this snus is one of the best! Although snus purists will say that it's too sweet or "Candy Like" we here in Snustopia think it's a great change from the traditional flavored snus. I rate Offroad Cranberry Lös as one of the best. It has made it's way into my regular rotation and, I'm sure it will become a favorite of yours! Marc and Patrick, keep up the great work and, we're looking forward to the new flavors for 2009!
Can't wait to try some OffRoad lös varieties! I have been really enjoying the eucalyptus from the 2k8 ltd. ed. tin, despite the reviews of people who don't care for it on snuson forums.
man! as the kids say Cranberry lös is "the Bomb"! thanks for getting that out my way here, it's a welcome change from my routine of General Onyx and Phantom blue portion! Still loving the v2 julesnus portion too.
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