Skruf Stark Lös is a loose weight snus like the Göteborgs Rapé we reviewed. You will need to either Hand Bake a pris or use a tool to form the pris. In texture, Skruf Stark is a coarse, wet snus that has a wonderful flavor and a good amount of Nicotine. By "Wet" I mean it has a bit more moisture than the Göteborg's but not much. The nicotine content is 12 mg/g which makes it much stronger than most. In my opinion, you'll begin to feel the nicotine after about 5 to 10 minutes after putting in the pris and, it lasts for about 45 minutes. The flavor, on the other hand is a different story!
Although most of the online shops describe this snus having a strong tobacco flavor, I feel it isn't as overpowering as it's been described by them. Yes, you can tell it's tobacco and, the flavor's definately there but, what I have noticed with Skruf Stark, the other flavors are detectable as well. So, what are the other flavors, you ask? Well, Bergamot and Rose Oil that's what! I know that when I first started snussing, I had no idea what Bergamot was so, I obiviously didn't taste it!. I will save you the trouble of looking it up and tell you that Bergamont is a fruit.

Rose Oil is basically what the name implies, oil made from Roses. If you really concentrate on the flavors in Stark, you'll get the hint of Roses from the snus but, if your just keeping the pris in for 20 to 30 minutes (bad form here in Snustopia since the flavors just begin to come out after 40 minutes) you'll miss it. Since the predominant flavor in this snus is the Tobacco, it will take a little time to get the other flavors.
My recommendation for pris making is, definately a medium loose to medium pack if hand baking or, slight to medium compression when loading a Prismaster or Icetool. If you make the pris too tight, it will take forever for the flavor to come thru and, if made too loose, guaranteed mudslide in 30 minutes. My preference is a medium compression in the tool. What's medium compression? Push the plunger against the lid just until you see juice begin to come out between the lid and the bottom of the tool.
Pris flavor/longevity, I have had a pris in for almost 1½ hours then the flavor kind of goes flat. Again, your pris longevity may vary depending on compression/baking and the freshness of the snus. Speaking of freshness, let's discuss storage!
Skruf Stark Lös likes cold in my opinion. I keep the open cans in the fridge at all times but, if you're taking it with you, just keep it as cool as you can. I feel when the snus gets warm or room temp, it loses some of the background flavor and gets harder to work with. any unopened cans I keep in the freezer. A fellow snuffer on SnusOn.com has come up with a trick if you like cold lös and don't use a can up in a few days. Just take the can out of the freezer, open and tap out the frozen snus puck on the lid. Break off pieces or, cut into quarters and place a quarter in an empty can. Great trick in my opinion! (Thanks Starcadia!!)
Well, I hope you will add this snus to your next order. I don't think you'll be dissapointed. As I always say, the review is my opinion on what I taste in the snus and, what I taste may not be what you taste. Also, feel free to add your review to the replies and, I'll add it to the post. Happy Snussing!!!!
1 comment:
whoa! I never bothered to lok up Bergamot! Interesting and yeah the Skruf lös is awesome, good enough that a full roll may be in order next go round.
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