Welcome to Snustopia!! Home of World Renowned Swedish snus reviewer Rob Jarzombek, known throughout the snus world as "That Snus Guy"! Here, Rob writes his uniquely unbiased reviews in an informative and fun way, so that anyone, from the snus curious to the seasoned user, can make informed decisions when ready to make a purchase. You will also find Rob's reviews detailed and unlike any other available on the web. So, sit back, pop in your favorite snus and enjoy the world that's Snustopia!
Friday, October 17, 2008
GetSnus.com!! First online shop based in the US!
If you remember from the first post, I said back then that the best places you could buy snus online were headquartered in Sweden like BuySnus.com and Northerner.com. That was then. Now, a new player in the online snus shops has emerged in the US.
GetSnus.com is a company headquartered in Pennsylvania. Although they are affiliated with the Swedish Match company (the same Swedish Match that has the General brands of snus), they carry other snus brands as well. GetSnus is a relatively new company, opened this year, and began with a limited vareity of snus. The brands they started with were General portions and General lös, Ettan and Catch Dry labels. As of the writing of this review, they now carry these brands along with the V2 brands Phantom (lös and portion) and Offroad (Lös and portions), Röda Lacket (Lös and Portion), Göteborgs Rapé White Portion, Nick & Johnny East, West and Orginal portion and Grovsnus (lös and portion). According to their reps, they will keep expanding their selection as they grow but, keep in mind that it was only a month ago that they only carried the General brands, Ettan and Catch! If they continue this rate of growth, they will become the Number One shop here in Snustopia!
One reason they are the favorite here, is the fact that their shipping is the best of all the shops I've tried. Overseas shops give you the option to ship thru other carriers but regular post is the least expensive. GetSnus ships UPS and will ship for free with orders over $50.00 USD! I placed orders with the two shops I mentioned above and with GetSnus to get a speed comparison. Obviously, GetSnus won with a time of 3 business days from PA to IL. Northerner and BuySnus were tied with 7 business days from Sweden to IL. Even though we here in Snustopia still use Northerner and BuySnus for brands not carried by GetSnus, GetSnus gets our business for the staple snus.
Customer service is top notch and, the quality of the product is great! This is great and all but, what are their prices like? Are they comparable to the other 2? Here's the funny part! In select states, you can go to your local Tobacco shop (Tobacco shop, not the local cheap smokes shop) and buy General Brand snus. In that shop, you may pay up to $5.00 USD a can for General Portion snus. Northerner charges $3.60 USD and BuySnus.com charges $3.80 USD. GetSnus charges $3.50 USD!!! This will be the same snus you buy in the Tobacconist shop here in the US for $1.50 more!!!! I know your saying "Shipping costs Snus Guy, shipping costs!" Here's an example of shipping costs, I ordered 15 cans of snus from GetSnus and paid $4.95 USD shipping by UPS! That's half the amount of the Swedish Post and, 4 days quicker!
Don't believe me? Try it yourself! This company is so confident you'll like snus and their company that, they will send you your choice of one from 5 different snus' for the cost of shipping!!! That's $1.00 to you and me! (new customers only please). You don't have to order anything else! This is your opportunity to not only try Swedish Snus, if you already haven't but, to give GetSnus a try as well. Here's some homework due the next time we get together, spend a dollar, order the free can of snus from GetSnus.com (their link is on the top right of this page) and post your experience with snus and GetSnus!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Skruf Stark Lös! Loved by ALL Snustopians!!

Skruf Stark Lös is a loose weight snus like the Göteborgs Rapé we reviewed. You will need to either Hand Bake a pris or use a tool to form the pris. In texture, Skruf Stark is a coarse, wet snus that has a wonderful flavor and a good amount of Nicotine. By "Wet" I mean it has a bit more moisture than the Göteborg's but not much. The nicotine content is 12 mg/g which makes it much stronger than most. In my opinion, you'll begin to feel the nicotine after about 5 to 10 minutes after putting in the pris and, it lasts for about 45 minutes. The flavor, on the other hand is a different story!
Although most of the online shops describe this snus having a strong tobacco flavor, I feel it isn't as overpowering as it's been described by them. Yes, you can tell it's tobacco and, the flavor's definately there but, what I have noticed with Skruf Stark, the other flavors are detectable as well. So, what are the other flavors, you ask? Well, Bergamot and Rose Oil that's what! I know that when I first started snussing, I had no idea what Bergamot was so, I obiviously didn't taste it!. I will save you the trouble of looking it up and tell you that Bergamont is a fruit.

Rose Oil is basically what the name implies, oil made from Roses. If you really concentrate on the flavors in Stark, you'll get the hint of Roses from the snus but, if your just keeping the pris in for 20 to 30 minutes (bad form here in Snustopia since the flavors just begin to come out after 40 minutes) you'll miss it. Since the predominant flavor in this snus is the Tobacco, it will take a little time to get the other flavors.
My recommendation for pris making is, definately a medium loose to medium pack if hand baking or, slight to medium compression when loading a Prismaster or Icetool. If you make the pris too tight, it will take forever for the flavor to come thru and, if made too loose, guaranteed mudslide in 30 minutes. My preference is a medium compression in the tool. What's medium compression? Push the plunger against the lid just until you see juice begin to come out between the lid and the bottom of the tool.
Pris flavor/longevity, I have had a pris in for almost 1½ hours then the flavor kind of goes flat. Again, your pris longevity may vary depending on compression/baking and the freshness of the snus. Speaking of freshness, let's discuss storage!
Skruf Stark Lös likes cold in my opinion. I keep the open cans in the fridge at all times but, if you're taking it with you, just keep it as cool as you can. I feel when the snus gets warm or room temp, it loses some of the background flavor and gets harder to work with. any unopened cans I keep in the freezer. A fellow snuffer on SnusOn.com has come up with a trick if you like cold lös and don't use a can up in a few days. Just take the can out of the freezer, open and tap out the frozen snus puck on the lid. Break off pieces or, cut into quarters and place a quarter in an empty can. Great trick in my opinion! (Thanks Starcadia!!)
Well, I hope you will add this snus to your next order. I don't think you'll be dissapointed. As I always say, the review is my opinion on what I taste in the snus and, what I taste may not be what you taste. Also, feel free to add your review to the replies and, I'll add it to the post. Happy Snussing!!!!
Lost in Snuffland!!

I remembered that Skruf Stark was what sealed the deal with my love for snus and, I had not had a pris of it for a solid week. I said to myself "I'll have one last pris of my old friend and, off she'll go to the abyss of the freezer". Boy was I wrong!!! That pris brought back all the reasons why I love snus. The feel in my lip when I come home from a hard days work (hard day is dependent on who you talk to), how I loved the taste with my favorite beverages, the slow and lasting release of nicotine that calms me, all the feelings came back. It was then that I decided that there will be no replacement for my beloved snus, only an accompaniment! I will always love snuff but, my love for snus will never be replaced! This is the reason there has not been a post in sometime and, I promise, there will be more snus reviews but, we may throw a snuff review in from time to time. That's my story and, I'm sure your done listening about my snuff adventure. If your interested in trying nasal snuff, do visit Toque Snuff first. They are a great company, dedicated to making the snuff experience more enjoyable from ordering to consuming.
So now, if your ready, we'll start a new post and, it will be on the review of Skruf Stark Lös!!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Göteborg's Rapé No. 2, Our first portion review!