Welcome to the home of Snus Longevity and Brand Distinction! This is the place to learn about how long snus can last when stored properly, how to read the "Best Before" dates on snus can bottoms and, where snus is produced. We also house reviews of all snus brands used here in Snustopia! Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the section to the left of the post page. Going forward on your journey, all posts will be listed in this pane. This will make it easier for you to go back and review ANY previous posts, if needed! We here at the Snustopia Information Ministry, are striving to make your transition from Tourist to Resident as easy as possible. Please feel free to post any questions or comments you have and, we will respond to them as quickly as possible! Thank you and , enjoy your stay here in Snustopia! M.o.I. - S.T. and D.R.Y.
Wow, those guys at M.o.I.-S.T. and D.R.Y. (thier acronym) are really helpful! I'm glad they made it easier for us to find the prior chapters as we venture even deeper into Snustopia. It can get confusing so, this will be the best way to go back and review if needed! Ok, now that that's over, let's get on to business!
As we have discussed in past posts, most snus in made in Sweden. I say most because there are snus producers outside of Sweden. Norway, for example, produces a few brands. But, in Snustopia, we will be reviewing snus from Sweden. This is due to no availability of Norwegian snus here in the states. If it becomes available to us here in Snustopia or, you have tasted it (if you have, please comment!!), M.o.I. - S.T. and D.R.Y. will add it to the database so all can enjoy.
Dates can be confusing, plain and simple. when you get your first can of Swedish Snus, you'll want to turn it over (with the top on) and take a look. The picture here shows what the bottom of a typical can looks like.
We are only concerned with looking for the "Best Before" date in this example. Since most snus is produced in Sweden, it would make sense that the language used on the can is Swedish. Unfortunately, no residents in Snustopia can read Swedish to date (I am learning) so, I will try to translate. The main text of the can "Denna tobaksvara kan skada din hälsa och är beroende-framkallande." translates to "This tobacco-product can damage your health and is addictive." Below this health statement is "Bäst före" meaning "Best Before". This is the Best Before date! (Duh Snus Guy!!!) Here is where it gets confusing. In America, dates typically have a format of MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY. Some American dating codes even add YYYY/MM/DD or YY/MM/DD. Most European manufacturers follow this dating system as well but, when Europeans speak the date or write it longhand, it is coded as 25, September 2008. The military does it this way as well. In Sweden, the coding is done the same way it is spoken so, the date in this example is in DD/MM/YY format so the "Best Before" date for this can is November 6th 2008! Now, your probably saying, "Why the heck did he just spend the last couple of minutes with this, it's just a date!". If you are saying this to yourself you are either in the military or, European. You wouldn't believe how many Snustopians have tossed out perfectly good snus because they thought their snus was past the "Best Buy" date! Especially if the "Day" was between the 1st and the 12th. The 13th day and beyond, it's not too far of a stretch to figure it out! The only exception to this rule is with Swedish Match snus packaged for sale in the US. The bottom of the can is in English and the date code is as well. Just remember, Unless you went to your local tobacco shop to buy General or Catch brands, the date code will be just like the below example.So, are we clear on the date code? I hope so. Remember, if you forget, the M.o.I.- S.T. and D.R.Y. is here to help you!
Now that you know how to tell where the best before date is, what does it mean? It is important to know when your snus should be used by. Most snus, that I have received typically have a "Best Before" date around 2 months out. The example at the right was received at the end of August 2008 so, a little over 2 months. Now, another big question is, "Does my snus expire or, go bad past the date?" the answer is No. If snus is kept cold, open cans should last a few months past the date with minimal loss in taste. Basically, snus begins to mellow as it ages. Mind you, I've never had an open can LAST past the best before date but, some Snustopians have and, this is what has been reported regarding portion snus. Lös snus will begin to dry out as it is open. Portions will as well but, not to worry. Just add a few drops of your favorite liquid (I use Chateaû Tap), shake the can a bit and they will come back to life. Just remember, the only bad thing for snus is extreme heat.
There is a way to extend your snus' live up to a year past the Best Before date! That way is to freeze it. Many Snustopians purchase thier favorite flavors by the roll for two reasons: one, it's cheaper to order rolls of the flavors and types you use the most, two, shipping times from Sweden can take up to 14 days or longer if it's a holiday and, you wouldn't want to be caught short and finally, there are some snus' that only come out in a limited run or time of year (Julesnus from Gotlandssnus is only sold in December). Using this method, you can take comfort in the knowledge that you will always have plenty of your favorite snus on hand!
Well, now that you know how to find the Best Before date on your snus, you know what the bottom of the can says, that cold snus will last longer and freezing it even longer and the Ministry of Information's letters spell Moist and Dry. I think we are ready to learn about the different tastes. Again, these are the basics and I (Not the Ministry) will throw other tips in as I remember them or, as you respond. I know we left out the difference between Portions and lös, we'll start with that in the next chapter along with my first review.