Monday, June 11, 2012

That Snus Guy is back reviewing Snus!

Greetings Snustopians!

You heard it right gang! After a year long hiatus, That Snus Guy will be posting more reviews on snus, snuff and the manufacturing process. I know, I know, I can hear what long time Snustopians are saying right now, "Why did you leave us Snus Guy? There are so many new snus brands and flavors out there and we want to know more about them!" and I apologize for not being here to assist you all in you snus journey but, I have some big things planned for the next coming months......

The first big, exciting thing coming in the month of June will be another series of articles pertaining to the manufacture of Swedish snus, live from Denmark! "Denmark Snus Guy? We thought snus was made in Sweden?" Well, if you read the article I did in June on the Swedish Match tour, you'll remember that true Swedish snus can be made in other countries in Scandinavia, as long as they follow the Swedish method exactly. For example, V2 Tobacco, the plant I'll be reviewing over the next few weeks, is located in Silkeborg, Denmark and manufactures the Thunder, Offroad and Rothbrix brands, just to name a few. While they are located in Denmark, they manufacture snus in the Swedish tradition to exacting Swedish standards. Anyway, you'll see and hear more about their snus starting next week. Make sure you friend me on Facebook to see up to date pictures and commentary on the trip!

Other things on the horison along with more snus reviews are a live report from the floor of IPCPR in Orlando, Florida! For those who don't know what IPCPR is, its one of the largest tobacco shows in the US! Many tobacco manufacturers attend along with other types of products related to the tobacco industry. It's going to be a great project and I'm positive everyone in Snustopia will be pleased with the series.

Well Snustopians, again I apologize for my absence but I'll make it up to you all in the coming months!

As always,

Happy Snusing!

That Snus Guy

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