Greetings Snustopians!
As you can see, Snustopia has gone thru a pretty big change in the way it looks. I thought it was about time to give the site a bit of a makeover not only in the way Snustopia looks but, in its content as well. Now, don't get excited Snustopians, I don't mean that instead of reading about Swedish snus you'll be reading about how to make a dried flower arrangement or who's fudge cake is better, what I mean is that I'll be posting new flavor reviews on all the new brands that have been introduced since we've last met. I've also been spending some time in Snuffland and we'll be reviewing Nasal Snuff as well! The main snuff brand we'll be looking at is Toque Snuff since the flavor variances that Roderick and his team have created are second to none in the nasal snuff world! So, stay tuned in the next few days as we take more interesting tours thru the world of Swedish snus and Nasal snuff!